
Sunday 24 March 2019


The Son of Hamas, aka as the Green Prince at the anti-BDS conference. He explains that the politicians don't have the answers and he explains why. Politicians are leading his people to slaughter he says. I have to agree with him as the LORD Almighty said, "Politicians are the bane of your life".

In a different speech given at the Jerusalem Post conference in 2016, he also said that it is the mothers that send their children against the Israeli army to die, he says that they do it to gain respect in their Muslim community.

My response to that and to Labour party members in the UK that stand against Israel, is this. Parents that bring their children up properly do not send their children to stand against an adult army. Great parents bring up their children in the power of love.

In this 11 minute speech he offers some solutions to the Islamic issue in Gaza etc. Remember this that Gaza was once 70% Christian and the Christians were forcefully driven out, just like they are driven out everywhere Islam goes. In his 2016 speech he said everyone must stand against the Islamic belief system, not Muslims, but the ideology that pervades their community. I agree with him, we have to put an end to cultural genocide.

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