
Tuesday 26 February 2019


Tommy Robinson and his former employees turned the tables upon John Sweeney, the BBC Panorama, and it's association with "Hope not Hate". The charity is a known front for the Labour Party.

John Sweeney, @PANODRAMA left his zipper open and his balls got shot to pieces with his own words, repeated back to to him. HnH were caught with their pants down, it sounds like they like dick pics. The so-called charity offered £5,000 to an investigative journalist that had formerly worked for Tommy, to provide a story on Tommy to destroy him and his life.

During the proceedings of the lunch meeting with author John Sweeney,  the undercover filming was implemented to record what he was saying about our people. Not only working class British people, but also the Greek community and the Irish community, plus a lot more, listen to what Sweeney actually said during his lunch on his expense account.

It's clear from the charity website that "Hopenothate", "hate" the common sense of Salvini in Italy, and President Trump and his wall. As far as they are concerned anyone that supports the defence of our historic European cultures from invasion are "far right".

When in fact the supporters of Tommy Robinson are for the existence of our historic culture, and are against cultural genocide of our western countries. Even scripture foretold what has happened in our country with Islam, read Hab 2. "Rape" of women,  overcharged for oil, the scripture tells Muslims to drink!

We share facts and common sense, now listen and watch what transpired in this documentary.

The establishment don't like that our defenders are peacefully, gaining voters and members for UKIP, the only party that is willing to stand up for the people with the people to defend our culture from globalisation that Prophet Isaiah warned us against in advance.

So who else is involved with "Hopenothate", some of the trade unions that have also campaigned and protested against President Trump.

During the expose of the charity and John Sweeney, it was revealed that they tried to "blackmail, to "intimidate" and "threaten" the independent investigative journalists.

The same charity were active in getting other authors banned from entering our country and it includes Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. They don't like freedom of speech do they?

Today Facebook and Instagram have removed Tommy's profile, right after the documentary was shown to the people on youtube yesterday. Tommy had a million followers on Facebook.

Let his documentary go viral, let everyone hear it, let people make up their own minds for themselves.

BREITBART Media's response prior to the ban was this:

"Did you see that shocking BBC Panodrama documentary about the bullying, Soros-funded, far-left, anti-freedom of speech propaganda group currently touring British schools, with the governments approval, turning kids into brainwashed progressives who believe that "Islamaphobia" is bigger threat than radical Islam". 

More news today that former London Breitbart editor, Raheem Kassam (from a Muslim family) has also been banned from FB and Instagram. The journalist is another Trump supporter and the Muslim Ramadhan foundation is claiming responsibility for obtaining the ban of Tommy and Raheem.

Raheem is also very close with Nigel Farage, BREXIT!

This painting opened up prior to me leaving for some reflexology treatment today. Then when I came home I read that Tommy and Raheem had been removed from Facebook. Hence the urgency of this blogpost with my right hand!


Reece Coombes, Chairman of Young Independence South West and Editor of Kipper Central has been banned from Facebook, along with other UKIP members. Reece says that 1,000's of UKIP members have been banned overnight.

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