
Wednesday 27 February 2019


Everyone I've spoken to in the last couple of days are experiencing SINUS issues including myself. First time I've ever had any issues with the Sinus. So it is synchronicity Dr Robert Cassar has uploaded a video that is titled, "Cranial Facial Release For Sinus Cleansing, Part 1".

Text says, "in this course Dr Nick Tancheff, Medical Director at the Earther Academy Hawaiian Retreats explains and demonstrates the sinus anatomy and specific treatments to stretch open the three sinus, or air passage cavities, using a pressurized "Balloon Technique" through the nose". 

"This treatment is called "Cranial Facial Release", and is specifically designed to open up narrowed or obstructed sinus cavities. This protocol is excellent to reduce facial stress and nasal pressures".

Part 1

I will post Part 2 when it is uploaded.

Yesterday, I received some Reflexology and Reiki with my English practitioner, during the reflexology we discovered that the brain required some help, that was picked up from my toes and I am experiencing pain in my right big toe. While receiving the reflexology treatment on my feet, I could feel a second pair of hands giving me healing to the left side of my head, gentle female hands, it was Mother Mary. Mary was with us yesterday.

Then last night, I received the aroma of Cantonese food, so I ordered a takeaway, although when I am feeling energetic I usually make my own.  Also one of the Reiki Masters in the history of Reiki lived in Hawaii. It would be lovely to visit Hawaii, once a upon a time, a lady healer invited me to Hawaii.

One of the things that I've been doing to help the eyes, is an eye wash that is given to the eyes daily for 30 days, remember the eye bath? This was given divinely for eyes and was shared on a course that I provided.

Also interesting that in proper, original Indian yoga they put water up the nose and then sniff it out.

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