
Monday 25 February 2019


It was the renowned neuroscientist Dr Charlie Teo that shared in one of his presentations that in South Korea they found secondary school children using mobile phones were suffering from dementia. Also the stats with mobile phone radiation change when the scientists look at the age specific data instead of across all ages.

When they looked at the youth stats, the "brain cancer" prior to the age of 29 there is a huge increase. Also in Israel they found that Israeli's were getting tumours in their cheeks due to mobile phone use. In Australia, 3.5 million children and students are sitting in Wifi and in Israel Wifi is banned in schools. Other countries are also moving forward to ban it and it includes Russia.


February 2019 

Dr Teo shared that class action lawsuits have begun in Australia due to "brain cancer", and some of the people suing are naval officers.

This is the article that relates to what the neuroscientist was saying: "South Korean doctors have found that increasing use of smartphones among young Koreans has led to a surge in incidence of "digital dementia", characterized by deterioration of cognitive abilities and symptoms found in people who have suffered head injury".

Now think about what the not so smart technology is doing to small animals like dogs and birds.

February, 2019 

Dr Devra Davies, (USA) talks on Cell Phones, Pregnancy and "Digital Dementia". During this clip the doctor says that children have become a lot less empathic due to mobile phone use. Technology has taken over their lives and has become more important to them than anything else.

Try to take away their technology and see what happens and now Donald John Trump is pushing for 5+6G. I like Trump but I can never agree with him on the technology.

To think that America has some amazing neuroscientists, has Trump had a meeting with the people that are standing against 5G, does he really comprehend the consequences? How about Melania that says she is defending children and their lives?

The only reason I bought a mobile phone was because I was driving a lot on motorways due to the work that I was involved in. It was just in case the car broke down and I had to call the rescue services.

I haven't driven since 2011, although I still have a mobile that is switched off, rarely charged, and rarely used, I am pleased to say. I could live without the internet too, in fact, I did for six months, it was great. If you are self-disciplined and don't allow technology to control your life, then you are in control of you and your life.

Remember it is your health that is at risk when you have technology in your life.

Some people have been having a "Day of Mourning" in America over the new "abortion bills", the Reproductive Act that the Liberal Democrats have been celebrating my response was read Malachi 3 and 4.

23rd of February, 2019

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