
Sunday 24 February 2019



Hand's on, Reiki on John. 


Pink energy across both hands. 

Last night prior to going to sleep I asked the LORD to give some help to an elderly gentleman and I asked what can we give to help John? Then this morning when I woke up I was given "REIKI" and hands on hip bones, then I was given 'FISH OILS".


I am taking that advice too, today is going to be a day for oily fish and taking some cod liver oil. This week is going to be a day and week for fish in my menu. I do like smoked mackerel and smoked salmon. Fish boosters and fish oil.

I usually have tinned sardines and anchovies in stock too, although I do like fresh marinated anchovies and I do have some in the fridge. Lovely with cream cheese. I also have marinated herrings too. Mum and dad loved sardines on toast as a snack on Sunday evenings and my mother took cod liver oil daily. What else is great for the body, lemon curd, homemade lemon curd stops the cramps in the legs.

Last night my eyes felt a lot better after an eye-wash and the Reiki yesterday, although they hurt again today, it does feel like it's to do with the sinus, so shall smell some aromatherapy oils today.

Yellow energy on the right hand.

So what are my bio-rhythms doing today, it did say that my bio-rhythms would be physically low again on the the 25th of February, at that time you have to eat and supplement to counteract it. Rest and self-nurture as much as possible. 

In my bio-rhythm chart today, I'm down by -94% on a physical level. Emotionally up 97%, that helps when you aren't feeling your best. Intellectually down -100%, best not to engage in debates and discussions on those days. Overall average -32%, so one could say definitely under par. 

Spiritually +81%, aesthetic 72%, so a good day for yours truly to do anything spiritually artistic, great day for healing arts too. In Reiki when we give a treatment we also receive a treatment, although today I will be treating the self. It's going to take until the 8th of March, to feel 100% physically. 

Hence it's going to be a lot of nutrient boosters for yours truly to overcome what my body is experiencing. So muscle and tendon stretches, Reiki, Aromatherapy, eating the best that I can, and taking my supplements.

My Sunday lunch today, a plate of freshly cut iceberg lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, sprinkled with the lemon juice from half a lemon and a chopped garlic clove.  Topped with smoked salmon, marinated herring, and marinated anchovies, with olive oil, a mustard and honey dressing. It was lovely and refreshing. 

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