
Wednesday 16 January 2019


The dream began with two knife carrying foreign men approximately 30 years old, they were determined to carry out a stabbing but I escaped. I then saw the two men again in a different location at that point they were stopped by the other men.

In dream interpretation an "assault", can indicate that you will receive information pertaining to an "assault" on your character. The two young men tried to carry out their "attack" for a second time, but were unable to succeed due to the intervention of men listening to what I had shared about the first time that happened.

The last time I had an "attack" dream, a young man was stabbed close by, he managed to fight off his attackers. Prior to that stabbing, I had shared the dream with him a couple of weeks earlier, and asked him to be extra careful.

The testimony of warning had been delivered.

Some people think it is just happening in big cities, when in fact it is happening in rural areas of our country with "attackers", breaking into people's homes. The dream that I had this morning was also in a rural area, on parkland.


In the next part of the dream I was in a sunny location with blue skies and I was being asked about my travels and when I was coming back to Israel, and I replied "I have to go to Greece first, I could come to Israel for Christmas". Benjamin Netanyahu replied, "You can't have a Jewish Christmas with us".

Israeli's are asking for me to come back to Israel and when it will be, it won't be Christmas 2019 then will it.

Dancing with the Stars 

Gifted to a Greek music man, January 2019. 

In dream interpretation if you know that you were speaking in a dream it means an improved status in social position and/or business is forecast. That also links into the total lunar eclipse in Leo, on the "Day of Visionary", 21st of January, 2019.

If I did return to Israel it would make sense to go in 2020, as they comprehend the importance of that numeric and so did Nostradamus. Although Nostradamus referred to the numeric of 40 in relation to the Iris, the flower goddess and the timeline for the feminine to be seen everyday after the age of 40.

Nostradamus also worked with flower essences and herbs, he was a Christian mystic and healer with a Jewish heritage.

I did give a Lily to an Israeli family in 2006, the flower power generation. The lovely Israeli artist did beautiful paintings of flowers and it would be lovely to see her again. The quality of her painting was wonderful, it would be great to paint with her.

So let's see if there will be a third mission to Israel as Prophet Isaiah did say that there would be. The next time I go to Israel I would like to stay with some farmers on a farming Kibbutz. Although there is also a Kibbutz where musicians live in it and it would be great to meet up with them too.

One of the Kibbutz that my host took me to in 2006 was absolutely beautiful, although I visited at least four of them during the first mission to Israel. So will the Israeli's have a collection to pay for my return to Israel? If they would really like me to come back to Israel, the Jewish people can contribute to the funding of it.

Kim'cha d'pischa refers to their obligation.

In dream interpretation "to dream of travelling can indicate a sudden substantial increase in status and or income is forecast in a dream of travelling for pleasure. Other travel dreams must be interpreted by reference to the cause, means, and other information provided in the dream". 

I'm not surprised by a travel dream in this timeline, as my birth chart that has a Sagittarius ascendent also indicates travelling, and living out of a suitcase until 2020. 

When I woke up from the dream, I could hear my breath in my right ear. It's the first time that has happened. Funny that happened after having a chat with Bibi. The breath of life, when you can hear your own breath you know you're alive. My parents made sure that travelling and holidays were a very important aspect of our lives and I did my utmost to pass that forward to my son. The aliveness of travelling to uplift your soul out of your own space and into a different reality.

Maybe my dental treatment on Monday did a clearing for me as I did see a symbol during the treatment whilst receiving a tooth filling from my holistic dentist on the right side of my mouth.

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