
Wednesday 16 January 2019


The total Leo lunar eclipse coming on 20/21 January, 2019, and the 21st of January is the "Day of the Visionary" with an eclipse that will occur during a super moon.

It's a Saros cycle 134, the last time that we had a 134 lunar eclipse was in January, 2001. So you might like to consider what 2001 was like for you. It was a very spiritual time for yours truly, it was also a three year and three is a wisdom numeric. There won't be another 134 lunar eclipse until 2037 and that is another three year. I don't think I will be on the planet in 2037, so make the most of it while I am.

The eclipse is happening in the Cancer constellation, just west of the Beehive cluster. The planet is also in north node Cancer until 2020.

In gematria, 134 is the gematria for 'BRANCH', 'SHEMA', 'ROD', 'MOOD', 'LIONS FACE', 'KEEP CALM', 'FIELDS'. 'KIND MAN'. 'MAN KIND' 'SADDLE BAG'. Source:

The total eclipses can be very powerful, although I always prefer the solar eclipses to the lunar eclipses. It's important to recognise how the eclipses impact on the people around you, due to there being so much going on and "Keep Calm", is good advice at this time. That's been one of UKIP's by-lines, 'Keep Calm UKIP are coming'.

I live on fields, once upon a time it was farmland until they covered it in concrete for housing.

In a recent dream I was living in a different location, I was in a cottage with an inglenook fireplace, it was a lovely dream of being twirled around, the feet were important, so that reminds me I have to make some feet appointments. Podiatry, and reflexology, also calf exercises.

Interesting that the gematria for podiatry is the same as Yeshua and the gematria of Lotus Feet is the same as Pistis Sophia. He knew what he was doing when he called me Lotus Feet, LOL, I've got the moon under my feet.

There is a lovely biblical prophecy of how the LORD saves the lame and the last time we had this lunar eclipse I was certainly doing that. How about you?

The Rod reminds me of Gerard Batten and I received an email from UKIP HQ today, he's still making progress and so are his supporters. The suit of rods are work cards, so you might like to do some visioning to do with your work life and the next phase of it. Take action when you are in the mood and do it all for love.

The branch is also found in biblical prophecy, so interesting times for prophecies in these last days of the end times, so saddle up, and enjoy! Saddles and fields go together so we can anticipate some news from the European farming community.

The branch also reminds us that January 21st is also a special day in Israel. New Year for Trees in 2019.

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