
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Stefan Molyneux Ireland 2040 Plan

Stefan Molyneux has a million youtube followers, and he has recently provided a video on the Ireland 2040 Plan. Stefan's video has been discussed on an Irish radio station, and this is the video of the discussion about it.

The man that rang in to speak about it believes that every Irish person should listen to Stefan's video. Basically the plan is to replace the Irish people and the Irish culture, it's systematic cultural genocide that has been planned, Stefan has provided the facts on what has already happened and what is further planned.

My view is that while Irish politicians continue with their 2040 plan, we must have a hard border with Ireland because some African immigrants that have managed to get EU passports in Ireland, have already moved to the UK.

When I asked them why they had moved to our area the response was "due to the lack of jobs in Ireland". They viewed it that there were better opportunities in England for their families.

The issue is that not everyone can just move to wherever they would like to move too and there are billions of Africans as explained in Stefan's video.

While immigrants think that they move anywhere they would like due to UN Migrant Compact, at least David Cameron had the common sense to say that immigrants earning less than £36,000 per year would have to leave the country.

In this interview the caller says that the politicians are not listening to the people and we know why don't we!

Heal your hearts Irish politicians, love is not for sale and nor is the land. 

Remember that a majority of Irish people are Christians and you must defend Christian lands and where Christians live. If Irish politicians can't defend the Christians than they don't deserve to be politicians making decisions for the Irish people. Live in the heart of integrity or leave the government. 

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