
Sunday 27 January 2019

Celtic Ireland Will It Survive?

Author John Waters discusses the the response to Stefan Molyneux's presentation on the Irish 2040 agenda to replace the Irish people. If the Irish don't stop the immigration, Irish people will be in a minority in their own country within 30 years.

Corporations were offered lowered taxes to bring jobs for Irish people. However, the reality is different. For instance at the Google offices in Ireland, there is 7,000 staff, yet, there is only 5-8% of the staff being Irish.

John Waters also shares that the Irish media were paid by the Irish government to promote the 2040 plan in a positive way. For some governments it is trendy to replace your own people with foreigners!

The Irish bombed England, but we still like the Irish and would like the Irish culture to survive with it's historical people. When a culture is suffering from cultural genocide, when a culture is dying due to immigration and foreign investment, that is when you have to end the foreign investment and the immigration.

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