
Sunday 27 January 2019

Pregnant Mums No High Heels

Pregnant mums whatever you do, don't do what Meghan is doing, wearing high heels while pregnant. Meghan will live to regret it in the future, and other mums will too, unless they use their brains and common sense.

Pregnant mums, no mobile phone use either, a mobile phone is a quaser that impacts upon the baby in the womb. Mobile phones have been proven to impact upon the baby in the womb, and a child's brain hasn't fully developed until the age of 25. The highest incidence of "brain tumours" due to mobile phones is in the 0-29 age range.

Mums, women have also been getting "breast cancer", from mobile phone use.

In Israel, they also found that people were getting 'cancer" in their face cheeks. I think that we can also connect skin cancers to mobile phones too, as there are people with skin cancer, that have never sat in the sun.

No smoking, no drinking, pregnant mums, put your babies first.

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