
Sunday 27 January 2019


A young magpie came to visit today, it flew to the ground where my car used to sit, it was looking for food, and then it flew to my right, in the direction of the north east. Magpie where's the food? The Magpie always makes me think of Maggie Thatcher and her saying, No, no, no, to the EU.

I like Magpies, they are so intelligent. Aren't birds amazing, it's freezing temperatures, yet they still manage to survive. The Magpie would like me to go out today, I'm a hermit in the wintertime, I hibernate. The cycle of power of the Magpie is the winter and summer.

Magpie says there are "opportunities for advancement with the proper use of intelligence". That's the sort of thing Maggie Thatcher would say. Look on the bright side of life, and let your talent shine.

Author, Ted Andrews, Animal Speaks, shares with us that they often live in messy homes, Magpies are not house proud, nor am I, although mum was, her home was always perfect.

Metaphysics and the Spirit realm is what they like, hence, closely associated with spiritual people, they can be stubborn birds, magpie refused to enter Noah's Ark, instead, sitting on the top of it.

In Celtic legend a single magpie can represent "Sorrow", and there was certainly sorrow over my lovely sentimental blue car, due to it being a gift from mum. She loved to drive her car too, it gave her a sense of freedom until she crashed it, then she didn't drive again after that.

If the birds would like me driving again, it will require more than one message to encourage yours truly to drive again. As it is nearly a decade now since I have driven a car, how quickly a decade passes by.

Just think of all that money I have saved by not having a car. Running a car is very costly in the UK, running a car is an overhead, car taxes and tax on petrol is astronomical in our country.  Taxes are so high in the UK, that few people can afford to live within their means to do so.

Our people are definitely overtaxed, at the same time as the politicians have taken what was in our countries treasury. Although there has been a thorough investigation carried out by a former RAF veteran, Gordon Bowden has looked deeply into 788-790 Finchley Road and the 1,000's of off-shore companies that lead back to some of the prominent politicians such as Amber Rudd and Tony Blair.

The LORD was certainly correct, when he said that politics is the bane of our lives. Apparently, Blair and his colleagues have a £50M fund to fight BREXIT and our leaving the EU. Even after we have left the EU, our British army is still committed to the EU, that can't be fair can it? Every country must be able to defend itself. Although it is easier for Islands to do so, as we have a moat all around us.

Magpies like saving don't they, saving food, saving money, financial restraint. Making the most of what you've got, the Magpie messenger. I bought a new bikini the same colour as the magpie, a new bikini for my holiday.

My priority is a healthy holiday for my health and a new healthy home this year. 2019 is also a great  year for wisdom more precious than rubies.

After that I might think about a car and driving again, although only if it is an essential. A lot depends on where I am going to live and what is required, as I am definitely on the move this year for my own sanctity.

So thinking about a new home, now that's a vision to have. I did have a dream of being in a cottage and it had beams and an inglenook fireplace, although that can indicate being in an historic location.

Now two more magpies have arrived on top of a house opposite me, dating and courting they are. There is a couple of young guys (with girlfriends) that live in that house. When there are magpies on the top of a house, it means the house will stand strong. 

Maybe we will be hearing of a wedding soon, as three magpies can indicate the announcement of a wedding. I like going to weddings. 

Robin redbreast has also arrived and Robin is sitting on the compost bin. I've thrown some flatbreads out for the birds. I also like Robin Redbreast, so cute they are. The Robin and it's keynote: Spread of New Growth, a Springtime indicator and the importance of singing your own song.

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