
Friday 4 January 2019


A great video on different perennials that are edible, time to get started with the garden. Now that January has arrived. Some seeds can be put in soil indoors, get an early start to the year, they like it in the warm in the central heating. Just make sure you keep them watered. My capsicum and chilli's have overwintered great in doors, they even have fruit growing.

My gran and grandpa started me off with the gardening when I was little digging in the garden, they had a beautiful Victorian garden. My parents loved gardening too although they grew flowers and perennials.

The oregano has survived so far out doors this year, and so has the thyme, and rosemary, so that is progress indeed. My bay leaf is in it's third year, and so is the blueberry bush and olive tree.

It will be interesting to see how the patio apple tree gets on being with me for it's second year. I so enjoy gardening, and farming my own food. It's wonderful being able to pick your own herbs for cooking straight from the garden.

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