
Saturday 5 January 2019


The gematria of 2019, is "Gematria Love Revelation", so let's have Daryl  Hall's song. Happy solar eclipse everyone, keep the vibe high! 2019 is also the gematria of "Kind Loving Saviour", "I am feeling better everyday", "Yahweh is my banner", and "Points of View". 

Robert Wilkinson always has an awesome point of view, and I usually find that we are in alignment with each other. This link provides his article on the new moon partial solar eclipse in Capricorn. 

Saturn, Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.  

What else does the gematria for 2019, also give us "Has revealed Gods will". 

2019 also compounds to three and that is the numeric of wisdom. 

It's a great year for hearts and 2019 was the year that began with the aroma and making filo pastry mince pies with marzipan hearts. Freedom to love @awesome. This year I am going to make some heart planters for growing food in, it's all about the heart of integrity and the power of it's love this year. 

2019, is a year to do what you love, be where you love, create what you love, share what you love and say, "I will live" in the love forevermore.

This solar eclipse is in Capricorn and Capricorn is the plodder, firm and steady footed standing on the rock that is solid.  It can improve your structure and stability of your being, so a great time for the strengthening of UKIP and it's supporters in the UK. A great time for the English patriots. 

It's also a great time for decorating your home, freshening everything up, and sorting out your finances so that you and your loved ones can be safe and secure. Some of you might even be ready for a move of location onwards and upwards. 

This is the year to progress, move forward in your life, a goat does like to make a leap sometimes as it walks up the mountain. 

So what are doing to improve your life? Are you reviewing the latest health research that can help you? Are you improving your nutrition and taking your supplements? 

Are you planning a holiday to get the sunshine to your bones? Are you making career choices, and getting ready for a launch? Whatever you are hoping to achieve in 2019, do it all for the heart of love. Stay strong in heart and Spirit, we are winning with divine intervention and help from Zion, Psalm 20. 

Stay focussed, write your lists what you would like to achieve each day, each week, each month. 

Being a Capricorn north node soul journey, one of my motto's when I was young, in my home life and work life was "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today". If you have a have a Capricorn north node in your chart, it can offer you stability and tenacity in your spiritual journey and life purpose. Determination, steadfastness, directness and it is a very supportive energy because goats milk, cheese and yogurt supports the structure of your body. 

So ask yourselves what did I achieve today? I went for a walk, stretch my legs, fresh air, to the garden centre, to buy a green plant for my desk. I really like to look at greenery and that which is living in my space. I bought some seed trays, lettuce and tomato seeds, getting ready for more food growing. 

For nutrition I am going to make a hazelnut cake this evening. The little hazelnut that was given to the mystic St Julian of Norwich, it's great for manganese that the LORD asked for. Just think of it, I could make heart shaped hazelnut cakes, give your heart to all that you do for the heart is for giving.

Don't let the time drift away this year, each moment, each day is precious. Stay in your hearts of love and everything will be fine and alway remember that Spirit is watching over us. "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints" Septuagint, Psalm 96. 

I've seen my parents happy together today, that their plan worked for yours truly to bring forth the love beyond measure. Their marriage plan worked out as they hoped it would, the power of love worked! 

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