
Friday 4 January 2019

21st January 2019 LEO LUNAR ECLIPSE

Steve Judd shares with us that there is a lunar eclipse in Leo on the 21st of January, 2019. The 21st of January is the "Day of Visionary", so a great time and year for visioning.

Wisdom certainly likes visioning, and helping people to envision what they would like to do, to help people to realise their vision for their present and future realities. It can be utilised with children, in business, and also in home life.

Why do I mention wisdom? The 21st century was born in wisdom, and 2019 compounds to three and that is a numeric of wisdom.

As far as I am aware President Trump has an ascendent sign in Leo, the heart of the child and for the child and his children of America. Big Daddy has his vision for America, and is doing his utmost to make it happen. I think we are going to see a lot more dads stepping up this year, to help humanity, dad's and partners with a vision for the lives of themselves, their families, and their future.

When dads, brothers, and sons step up to defend, the family generations united, they can certainly roar like a Lion. The Lion has also been one of the emblems in the UK, especially important to our patriots that know how important our historic sites are to our history and ancient cultures. So with that in mind and heart, let the visioning begin!


As one Leo wrote to yours truly, "we are children of music" and for sure music is in our souls. 

LEO 2019 

This post is a post for all those that appreciate how the planetary configurations impact upon your lives, I view it as a map, and once you know what the map is you can decide to choose what route to take for your fulfilment of your vision for you and yours. 

The planetary configuration for 2019 for these sun signs does indicate that travelling is aspected for you this year and it can be work related.  ENJOY your year, and your lunar eclipse Leo, I do like eclipses especially when they are eclipses of the heart. 

With Leo being a fire sign, it's bound to be powerful and impactful in different ways, as Leo can come in as fast as a fire, and leave just as quickly. Like Trump calling the presser yesterday, then refusing to answer any questions from the media, and instantly leaving the media hanging in the air gasping for breath. 

Sometimes the MSM look like fish out of water, a dying breed of political journalists that have utilised the media to sway political views. While alternative media has gained the support of the populous and those that have got their eyes wide open. 

I will look at the saros numeric of this nearer to the 21st of January, as this weekend we have the partial solar eclipse in Capricorn and this watchtower for the flock is focussed on those energies for now. 

We have five eclipses in 2019, and it's quite rare to have five in one year, so the energies are definitely going to be powerful this year. Three in Capricorn, one in Cancer, and one in Leo.

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