
Friday 4 January 2019


Painting again, and as we know the solar eclipse energies have been flooding in for the 5/6 of January. The 5th of January is the "Day of Recovery", and some of my healing recovery came with painting, Jesus kept on telling me to paint, it was to bring the healing colours back into my life and it was transformational for myself and others.

This is different photographs of the latest paint spread this morning after seeing the energy on both sides yesterday. It's the same painting just two different sides of it.

I paint with acrylics although I am going to work with some oils in 2019. I like to work with different textures and materials. Yesterday I was looking at earthquake listings and I was divinely given "CEYLON". 


Paint spread in the night of 5th of January, 2019

While spreading the paint for this artwork, suddenly and aroma of lipstick arrived. I think I know who that is and who has chosen the signature of the aroma of lipstick. Interesting that pink and gold is the colour of my bedroom. Pink walls, gold coloured carpet, and lazuli doors. I see a woman in this painting holding a musical instrument. The music that impacts upon the heart. 

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