
Sunday 2 December 2018


"Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway, for those who find me find life and receive favour from the LORD.  Proverbs 8:34-35.

What did wisdom do during her life "she gets up while it is still night; she provides for her family, and portions for her female servants".  Proverbs 31:15 There was a time when I had au pairs living with yours truly, to help at home while I was working to support us all.

All of my life I fed anyone that came to my door.  Yesterday, was another reminder of that fact. As Jesus said previously, "Never forget who you are". Loving kindness follows me everywhere, he doesn't let me out of his sight.

I was in the bath in the afternoon when a politician came to my door, I didn't get out of the bath to open the door for the Liberal Democrat. Then I had a visitor from a grandma that often comes to speak about her dreams, and we discuss their interpretation. She had been shown some leather bound historic books and I shared that does link in to what Rik had been saying about the planetary energies.

In dream interpretation to be shown books can indicate "You can anticipate slow but steady progress and a calm and pleasant life ahead if books were the main feature of your dream". "Anything made of leather is lucky".  

It's fortunate that the leather bound books were given. I showed her my leather bible that I've had since I was eight years old, inside are full page illustrations, and my mother's birthday wishes, as I had requested a copy of a bible when asked what my birthday choice would be.

At the time my parents thought it was a very odd request when most children of that age would ask for toys. In those days I was into Greek mythology, I liked picture books and books with wonderful illustrations.

Interesting then that my career took yours truly to work with many illustrators, designers, artists, writer's and photographer's during my life. If you look at what a child likes the most, it does give you an indication of their soul's passion and journey in life.

I liked to sing, and sang solo in Westminster Abbey, a Christmas carol. at the time I felt it was a great honour. Clearly, my voice was going to be an important aspect of my life's work, it was decades later when my voice was recorded.


This year, the LORD asked for the Septuagint, and so I bought a copy of the Greek Septuagint Psalms. "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints", Psalm 96. I like to look at different scriptures sometimes when compelled or asked to do so divinely, and recently I saw a person dressed as a Coptic monk with the glorious sun behind him.

That could also link into the grandmother's dream, as we both had a healer friend that was into the science of healing, and his name was the same as a Coptic monk. St Anthony. I saw the vision of the monk prior to having a dream about the spiritual battle between one woman -v- two women in a venue and science was being discussed.

Also interesting that it was the Greeks that took their Athenian maths and science library to Alexandria. If you look into ancient Greek history, many of their libraries were destroyed.

What else happened yesterday, last night a young man that lives next door, came to see what I was cooking. When he arrived, I asked him if he'd eaten, and would he like some of what I had cooked. He said, yes please. So the young man was given some homemade Chicken Dhansak, I've always cooked mine with aubergine, as I like the flavour of it. It was a meal cooked with red lentils and spices last night.

Then I was cooking an almond and pineapple cake, so late last night, at midnight, he received more nutrients when he came to receive his portion of cake. He calls me "mother bird", bless him, I put my wings around him, so that he can feel the love. The nervous system likes gentle foods for it's system, it likes pineapple, melon etc.

What's on the menu today? Some more Chicken Dhansak, with wild rice. I like aubergine in my sweet and spicy dhansak and I do like Dal, Dal, red lentils one of the foods that the LORD asked for yours truly to eat.  What else, going to have some Almond and Pineapple cake with fresh pineapple.

Last night I cooked a broth from the bones of the chicken, wisdom is going to make a vegetable soup that will include homegrown celery, spinach, carrots, swede, leek, black kale and pearl barley. The body does like pearly barley and chicken broth is a great defender of the immune system.

1 comment:

  1. Just received news that the grandma was indeed lucky, she's had a little win on the lottery. Now that's confirmation of the dream interpretation.
