
Sunday 2 December 2018

Dov'e L'Amore 2nd December

2nd of December is the first day of the Jewish holidays, so let's have some Dov'e L'Amore and flamenco. As apparently, American Jews celebrate Hanukkah festival of lights more than Israeli's do.

I don't think that American Jewish people have anything to celebrate when it was Goldman Sachs that were involved in bringing Greece down economically. It is often the case that countries are brought down from within, so there must have been people in Greece that were party to the austerity plan. Austerity that stifles an economy, always has and always will, when the poor suffer financially so does the rest of the economy of a country.

Does wisdom more precious than rubies agree with what Goldman Sachs did to Greece, certainly not. Do I agree with what Goldman Sachs did to Libya, certainly not. Isn't it time that the globalists are held to account for what they've done to different countries economically, it certainly is.

The EU will never be able to control the Greek people for the Greek people are loved. The bible says that survivors go to Greece, and my parents last vacation together was to Corfu with my son.

The EU will never be able to control the British people either. Thank God that Maggie Thatcher kept us out of the EURO, we say no to a federal Europe. We are unique and historic cultures, that is why our people voted for BREXIT.

On-line those that would like us to remain in the EU, don't like it when wisdom says, don't buy French or German cars. Can you believe it they call me a Ruski now and a Russian troll. I did smile, they think their name calling actually has any impact on yours truly. When the American Liberal Democrats began calling me a "troll", I shared that when this Aquarian was a child, I collected those dolls, I liked them, I always did like funny faces because they were different to the norm.

No coincidence either that wisdom's honeymoon was also in Greece in 1979, interesting biblical prophecy about the partner of my youth. I found that my whole life was recorded in scripture years later when it was shown to me. I do remember dancing to this song on many nights in different locations in the 80s and 90s.

England will also survive long after we've left the EU, our people are strong. 

Lord Pearson talks about BREXIT and Tommy.

Last week I was a given the name DOVID. Dovid, the name of King David and Dovid means "Beloved" in Hebrew. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the survivors would go to Greece, no coincidence than that the Jewish apostle John was sent to Greece too.

Dov'e L'Amore, Greece always in my heart.  The 2nd of December is the "Day of Spirit".  

My spiritual connection with Greece is profound, so I shall light a candle this evening for Greece. In fact, each night I will light a candle for a different country that is in my heart. For Greek people and Jewish people live in different countries.

I met a wonderful Greek healer whilst living in Australia, and I've met some lovely Jewish people in England that I worked for and with. I've also met some incredible Israeli's while walking upon the land. Some Jewish people call this the week of miracles, it would definitely be a miracle if we get our countries and cultures back. Culture Club is a great name for a new platform.

There will certainly be a candle for Australia, England and Israel lit in the next few days. Some of my Jewish ancestors lived in Holland, so I will light a candle for Holland too. My parents also loved Spain and Italy, so another two candle lights for those two countries too.


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