
Sunday 2 December 2018


The UN's Global Compact For Migration at the ENF press conference. The UN globalists are trying to make immigration a human right.

Not only that but they intend to flood western countries with immigrants from third world countries. Making our countries poorer to accommodate it. Of course in England our infrastructures can't cope with the existing population. Our country is overpopulated, and we live in the smallest properties in Europe.

Not only that but they intend to make it "illegal to criticise the invasion" of our countries and "criminalise" anyone that speaks up against the "cultural genocide" of our historic European cultures that would be the result of their plans.

The UN have gone far too far this time with their plans, as such, member nations should stop paying towards the UN. Stop sending delegates to the UN because the UN have plans that the people in our countries don't agree with. Wisdom says no, to cultural genocide, no, to a federal Europe, no to mass immigration, and the invasion of our countries. Wisdom says no, to the globalists, we shall not make all of the fields one. Prophet Isaiah warned us about the globalists in advance.

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