
Friday 14 December 2018

Social Media Mantra

The American Liberal Lefties have had a "Get A Real Job Mantra" for as long as I can remember being in social media on-line on American owned forums.

This guy talks about the the mob mentality, and their mantra that they throw at anyone that is successful with their on-line businesses.

The fact that some people are making a living out of it, and have carved themselves out their own niche market share, isn't really understood by the mob mentality that tries to get successful people removed from doing what they do best; by repeating the mantra, and building a case against someone.

They target successful people for the reason that they are successful, a carefully targeted audience that embraces the message. If people can afford to subscribe and support people and their work then that is great for those people. Carry on! This is the era of citizen journalists, investigative reporters, political commentators, film and audio work.

People and their "witch hunts" is nothing new to yours truly, I've been banned in more places, more times, than I care to remember. In my life there was usually a woman instigating it to encourage both men and women to stand against me on-line. One woman even wrote "it's me or you that is going to be leaving, and it's not going to be me".  Other women wrote "threatening" emails and PM's etc etc. 

Did people tell me to get a real job, after I became a professional healer and spiritual teacher? Oh yes. When I went from part-time to full-time was when the "back-stabbing" began. When it was a paid hobby they would laugh at it, when it became a serious job, to make a living from it, that's when things really changed. 

Remember what Jesus said about the worthy, his worthy healers are funded by those that are worthy to fund it. My life was being funded by those that were brought to train with yours truly, and one healer became a thousand in these radiant hands. 

Fishes in my hands 

Last night I had a dream and it indicated that there are new doors opening on the right after I've given away some clothes. So I think we can view that in terms of 2019, as three people were standing together and that is the numeric of wisdom.  

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