
Friday 14 December 2018


I had an interesting dream and experience last night and after the dream the man that was holding me said, "You're safe".

Then today, I had loads of computer issues and the dream indicated that there was going to be some minor difficulties to overcome.

During the day, I couldn't launch Safari, so I couldn't sign into my email accounts.

Spoke to Apple on chat and they recommended that I upgrade this 2008 computer to El Capitan and I wasn't able to do that either.

What do I have to say to Apple about Safari not working suddenly, what do I have to say to Silicone Valley, I think George Michael sung the perfect song in response to America.

So it is time for either a new computer or for the technician to see what he can do with this computer. I also took advice and changed my browser to a safer browser as I don't like being forced to make agreements with google against my will.


Another reason why I will probably stop blogging this year on this platform, as a lot of people refuse to post on the google platforms due to the google platforms tracking everyone and everything that we do, write and post.

If you have enjoyed what has been written this year on this blog, you might like to consider buying yours truly a new computer, it's on the Christmas list. Then I will be able to post on newer platforms as they are shown to me, if it is God's will for me to do so. I know that some people are intent on staying in touch, wherever I go or am sent. For only lovingkindness follows me all the days of my life.

While sharing on-line about the computer issues, this song began to play in the background on youtube. When I looked at the name of the song, it's called, SAFE! How amazing is that to receive this song after everything that has happened in recent days.


Remember this is what the LORD says, "Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool, where is the house you shall build for me, where will my resting place be?" Isaiah 66. Remember the day when he said, "Tap on wood", after that my Dutch friend sent yours truly a present of some wood for yours truly to put my Lotus Feet on, a wooden apparatus from the earth is my footstool.  I've got my Lotus Feet on it right now. How amazing is that!

Do you remember the Basilica message that was received earlier in the year. "Five miles from the Basilica". In recent weeks I found the Basilica and it was shown to me that the fire was going into it's direction in 2017 and it will take a long time for the land on that Island to recover from it.

Some say it can take 20 years for the land to recover from such a fire. I also found the message that was given to that Island from holy Mother Mary about her icon, and that when it is seen, it means that help is coming. It is written that she said to the shepherd, "If you seek me, where you find my icon, I will come and help you". 

That message touched my heart deeply, because now we know why the healing meditation of the sacred heart had to have this cover that was compelled nearly 20 years ago. Also interesting that the same location is said to be the first place that Apostle John went too prior to him going to Patmos.

Also amazing the amount of copies that I gave away freely to people in different countries and to charities. Each time I asked that they be given to people that most required help with healing. I gave copies to Americans, Australians, English, Greeks, Israeli's, Italians, Romanians, Scottish, people in the Canaries, people living in Portugal, wherever I was sent I was compelled to give copies of the meditation to people.

There was a time when I even delivered Divine Mother workshops, and the people that came with a pure heart and intention had a fabulous experience. On one of the workshops, one of our Reiki Masters found herself dancing with Jesus while I was reciting the meditation.

Tears came to her eyes, and I gentle wiped the tears from her eyes, while her soul was in her joy dancing with him. For sure, she is one of our Brides of Christ and she experienced that initiation that day.

The woman was one of a large group that had driven to my location from Yorkshire. So many beautiful memories we all have of divine experience.

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