
Friday 14 December 2018


I must have just dozed off after getting into bed when I began to dream.

I was in what looked like an historic cottage, it had low ceilings, and a large inglenook fireplace.

It was an old building with modern furnishings. I noticed the furnishings because the upholstery of the sofas were chequered, unusual in black and white, the walls were painted white and curtains were white cotton muslin. On the floor there was matching coloured rugs.

While I was in the room I began to topple, then suddenly a man grabbed my left hand with his left hand as he spun me around into his arms.

There was also someone standing to the right of us, and a woman opposite us. As he held me in his arms, I gave what I was holding in my right hand to the woman, it was a pair of my beige shorts.

The force of what happened was so strong, it woke me up, and I could still feel him holding my left hand, I could feel his hand holding mine.

As I laid in the comfort of his arms, I heard him speak softly, "You're safe". 

A soul visitation.

In dream interpretation to dream of couches is telling you to listen to advice from trusted friends.

The left hand can indicate minor difficulties, and caressing hands are a sign of sincere love. In the dream his left hand was strong around mine, and that can indicate satisfaction with life and the healing connection. When people hold hands, it impacts upon the heart.

Furniture in a dream can indicate contentment now and in the future and the same applies if there is a fireplace in your dream. If you see carpets or rugs in your dream and they were in good condition, it indicates general good luck. In the dream the sunlight was streaming through the window that was on the right and the room was full of sun light. In dream state interpretation this means that there are new doors opening.

In the dream I gave some beige shorts to the woman that was opposite, and that can indicate that you will be giving some clothes away because only by giving the shorts away was my right hand free to hold the other hand. 

There was three of us standing together in the dream, and three is the numeric of wisdom, the fourth person was standing opposite us and I had turned my back on her when I was nearly toppled. 

If you know how many people are in a dream it can indicate an increase of personal power and/or prestige. 

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