
Thursday 13 December 2018

Lord Pearson on BREXIT

In this excellent interview with Lord Pearson, (UKIP) he explains to Sargon the gravity of the BREXIT situation and his solutions.

In this interview Lord Pearson mentions the fact that it is the Liberal Democrats that try to silence him in the House of Lords from opening up the debate about Islam. I will never ever vote for the Liberal Democrats or Labour, or the Conservatives, or anyone that tries to silence those of us that care fully for the future of our historic culture. 

Lord Pearson is very concerned about the Islamic birth rate in the UK, and that certain councils in England will be taken over completely by Muslims within 20 years. It's clear that Lord Pearson can see the horizon of cultural genocide that has already begun in the UK. 

He shares that he has also been told by a Muslim that they will defeat our country via the womb and the ballot box. If you're not happy about that and what he shares about the danger that our country is in, then you all better start doing something about it. 

Pearson also shares that Muslim's refuse to sign up to International Human Rights law because it conflicts with Sharia law. As such, as far as I am concerned, the Islamic ideology is not compatible with our western cultures and never could it be so.  

And the sooner people in our country comprehend that, the better it will be for everyone. We cannot have a situation where human rights is for some people and not others, if a person is living in our country. We can only have one legal system in operation in the UK and our people have said categorically, no to Sharia law.

If Muslims would like to live by Sharia law, it is best for everyone if they go back home to their countries of origins. Ultimately, the UK is mainly a Christian country, now ponder upon for how long? 

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