
Sunday 18 November 2018

UN Report British Poverty 14M People

The UN's special envoy has been in Britain to investigate poverty and human rights in our country.

On Monday the 12th of November, Professor Philip Alston heard evidence from communities in London who spoke about the effects of austerity, Universal Credit and homelessness.

In this report you will hear that councils are telling women that they have a legal duty to house their children but not the mothers. In effect, the councils are taking the children from their mothers.

Professor Philip Alston has said that the British government is "Mean-Spirited", and "Callous". The latest report states that 14 million people in the UK are living in poverty, and 1.5 million people are destitute".

Maggie Thatcher was correct when she warned the British people that the EU plan was to make the "poor, poorer, and the rich, richer". That is why she stood up to the EU and tried to wake everyone up including business people. That's why she focussed so much on improving manufacturing, and introduced "Investors in People".

I don't agree with everything that Maggie was forced to do by her globalist colleagues, although I thank her for sharing the truth about the EU globalist agenda. The UN plan of the redistribution of wealth by distributing people from third world countries causing incredible strains upon the infrastructure of our country that wasn't built for mass immigration.

England is a tiny country and is overpopulated. The people in the UK also live in the smallest properties in Europe, rural areas are becoming concrete land, properties with no gardens where people can grow some of their own food. There are not enough allotments either for those that would like allotments.

Do you realise that 14 million people is more than the whole population of Greece?

In the UK, food security that impacts on health is a priority issue for the country. When David Cameron took office there were only 68 food banks in the UK, when Theresa May took office there were over 650 food banks. Food banks provide nothing more than survival food for when families are in crisis, and working families are at the food banks due to low wages and a cost of living that has soared in recent decades, with immigration being a major factor of it impacting on wages.

As I wrote a few years ago, people can't afford to live in the UK, nor is it safe to do so. Families can't afford to live without tax credits. As soon as tax credits were engineered, the people should've realised that was a major sign that people could not afford to live.

Survival food does not ensure that families are getting enough nutrients for their health conditions, as different health conditions require different nutrients. So do different systems in the body. Survival food can keep you alive, but it won't and doesn't help the health of the people to improve. That's all a family can get from a food bank, survival food.

The UK is experiencing the highest amount of men committing suicide in the history of the country. The highest amount of depression in men that there has ever been. Financial pressure upon families is one of the major reasons relationships break up. Few relationships and marriages can withstand the immense financial pressure.

If governments would like to keep families together to reduce the costs, then they have to take the financial pressure off of families that are doing their best to live. Financial pressures also have a huge impact on a person's health and ability to function, and make the right decisions when necessary.

When I looked at cases of prostrate cancer in men, in all cases the common denominator was financial pressure. Hence, governments then put pressure upon the NHS. When I looked at cases of breast cancer, I found that women either by choice, or due to financial ability, were not nurturing themselves sufficiently.

As the LORD said, "Politics is the bane of your life". People are dying at the hands of the politicians, and it includes our veterans that are found on the streets with facilities that have been closed down due to budget cuts. Budget cuts also closed down facilities and amenities for parents and their children, and the government also cut the budget for Sure Start.

Evictions have increased by 55% since the introduction of universal credit. Yesterday I also met a homeless man that has been homeless since at least the 90's when I first saw him. I asked him why he became homeless he said he got in arrears with his rent.

He shared with me that he is being charged £3.50 a night to stay in a homeless shelter and because he is in arrears with no income, they won't let him stay in the shelter in this freezing weather because he owes them £15.

There are autistic people in the community that were never picked up, as they slipped through the system prior to autism being recognised. Then there are people who received 'inaccurate medical diagnosis" that were put on pharmaceuticals that gave them even more medical conditions.

Governments closed down institutions and threw people from those mental health hospitals out into the community to fend for themselves. Then slowly, their incomes have been stripped from those people. Legal aid was withdrawn and even if those people knew how to defend themselves there is no legal representation that they can afford.

So now if an eviction notice is served there is no legal help for those people. People have been sanctioned for not arriving at an appointment, and I even had to defend a woman that was sectioned for not attending an appointment. They came to where she was living and forcefully removed her while she was screaming. You can tell how compassionate a society is by how they treat the most vulnerable in the community.

Trying to find a human rights lawyer is also near on impossible to find to defend the people with justice. There is no justice in the UK, while there are so many people suffering due to governments social engineering of the populous.

What has happened to our British people is heartbreaking, it's a crime against humanity. Labour was no better than the Tories either, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Theresa May should all be brought before an international court of justice if our own supreme court won't take it on.

Politicians have to be made accountable, they have a responsibility to the general public to be answerable for their deeds in a court of law. 20% of the British population are living in poverty say the UN.

Author of "Food Bank Britain", Ray Woolford said, "Too many people are making money from poverty".

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