
Monday 19 November 2018


On Saturday I noticed that the shop where I bought my hair pieces had closed down, so last night I was looking on-line to see what is available on-line.

While looking I thought of the days when I used to wear Greek head scarves in different colours and how I could wear them again. In my youth whilst in the hot sun I would often wear headscarves to stop the sun changing the colour of my hair, and to stop the sun from drying out my hair.

Then suddenly, I heard the word "EUREKA." Sometimes when I think of Greece, I receive a message.

Classical Archimedes Story

It is written that it was Archimedes that shouted "Eureka,  Eureka!". There is also the Eureka Effect where insight is associated with thinking outside of the box, for that is how solutions are found.

Eureka comes from the Ancient Greek word "heureka" and means "I found (it)".

In the book of revelation wisdom with insight was called to do the count, the woman that thinks outside of the box, wisdom more precious than rubies. The numbers were easy to add up and to then do the soferim during the Obama presidency.

Proverbs 31 Bedspread - prophecy fulfilled. Interesting that I was making this bedspread in the first days of travelling to Greece in the late 70's. When I was shown the prophecy decades later it was certainly an eureka moment in my life. So I took a photograph of it to prove it, as I still have it. Every stitch by hand, it took nearly two years to make it during my relaxation time.

Remember Proverbs 31, and how it is written that "Strength and honour are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come". These days my hair is grey, the crown of splendour is attained in the way of righteousness.  Proverbs 16:31. Virtue is greater than any value that you can place upon it, integrity of heart is essential.

It's only when you can think outside of the box, that you understand others that do too. The Pluto in Leo generation that engaged in the "inner child" healing work, how powerful was that. As Jesus said, "you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven". Such joy his healers brought to the people of our country. He did say that if it arrived in the 2nd or 3rd watch,  humanity would be blessed.

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