
Saturday 17 November 2018


This is in response to the Cinderella bath dream from 2014. In hindsight it makes me smile as in the timeline a woman did keep on trying to tell me what to do to get my life organised. That woman understands a lot more now than she did in 2014. She had to understand the reason for everything, and that sometimes I couldn't do what she was asking me to do.

In health there is a process for improvement, it's the same with physical fitness. It can't be forced upon a person, or their body, people have to be allowed to go at their own pace. In 2014, it was an emergency and a health crisis, it took a long time to get it resolved with the medical profession.

Then after operative procedure it took a long time for recovery after it. At least now, that painful time is behind me, the body has recovered and as Jesus said, "You are ready to go".

What led me back to review the dream? Someone had left a comment asking what this painting is.

It's a Christmas tree mandala, I originally spread the paint for an American woman from "Heaven Awaits" and gifted her with the scan. I like giving presents.

In the comments section of that dream received in 2014, I mentioned Greece and a poem. This is the poem, big smiles. The poem is called "Seven Days" have a read.

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