
Monday 19 November 2018

Mercury Retrograde until 6th December

Mercury is retrograde, Mercury in my ascendent sign of the fire sign of Sagittarius, that means that I won't be able to firm up any plans for 2019 until mercury retrograde is finished. Sometimes things have to go on hold until the timing is perfect.

Mercury retrograde will be finished on the 6th of December, 2018. In the meantime, for this Sagittarius rising, it's a good time for doing all of the mundane things that I don't like doing. Things like housework and paperwork, sometimes when you go through things it's amazing what you find.

It's a great time for my appointment for new sun glasses, a dental check-up, and an hygienist appointment. An appointment for a deep tissue therapeutic massage, and an appointment for reflexology, I do like my feet massaged. Lots of self-nurturing during the wintertime and looking after me.

Taking my supplements, have to stay on it, I've also included D3 to take for three months during this winter, to see if that makes any difference. I'm taking joint glucosamine plus manganese, Coq10, and B1. I've bought loads of ground almond and roasted ground hazelnut and I have to get some more sesame seeds.

Christos Energy 

So I am going to treat myself during this mercury retrograde to everything that I would like because I deserve it. It's been a great year, gardening and food growing, I've now brought the adult capsicum and chilli plants indoors, and I still have strawberries and goji's growing and ripening outside.

I still have lots of home grown celery to eat, some pak choi, and a mass of different herbs. Last night I had some dressed crab, and then a cod loin cooked in tarragon, with roasted veg that included red onion, potato, aubergine, and courgette. Today it was a roast chicken cooked in sesame and cumin seeds with garlic. Cumin seeds are brilliant a great preserver of the intestines.

My parents always snuggled up in the wintertime and I usually hibernate, I always have, I've never liked the winter weather in the UK. I don't think that my body was made for English weather, even from a child, I could really feel the cold weather more than most other children. Early to bed, early to rise, I think is the order of the day.

Jewish holidays begin on the 2nd of December until the 10th. It will be Hanukkah and it's a great day for it to begin because it will be the "Day of SPIRIT". So what will it bring this year? The power to overcome any obstacle, the storms in my life are over, the past is behind yours truly. 

It's a time for man to put the matters of the world behind him, and see what has lit up the room. It's crystal clear when you can hold reality in your hand. The time for contemplation is over, it's time to see the beauty of your reality that is so close that you can touch it.  

The patience of a saint has brought victory for the Christians and Jewish people. Men with money and men with a heart unite together to further the great cause. There is still hostility on the open borders but it will be stopped by a woman. 

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