
Monday 19 November 2018


A retired hospital work gives an explosive "Flu Shot Speech" before CDC Advisory Committee. It is worth five minutes of your time to hear what she has to say!

Not once did I give my son a flu shot, not once did I take a flu shot either. Pharmaceutical companies make money from vaccinations that damage the veins of your children and a lot more. Everything that pharmaceutical companies do interferes with the natural processes of the body. 

Looking after a child at home is all part of the bonding process, it's all part of how children learn compassion. When the mother looks after their child at home, the child experiences compassionate action for themselves. Neurologists wonder how they can make children more empathic, the answer is this: allow mums to stay at home to look after their children.

It's basic common sense isn't it? The mum has to nurture her own child at home, tucking the child into bed, making sure that the child has everything it requires. What does a child require the most when they don't feel well? Their mothers love and cuddles and home made chicken soup. 

My son was rarely ill, he was breastfed, and we ate lots of garlic in our meals when he was on solids. I used to give him some of the same food that I ate. Anything he did pick up, he picked up from nursery, so if he hadn't gone to nursery he probably would've been fitter and healthier for it. 

If I had known then what I know now I wouldn't have sent my son to nursery until he was three years old. Did you know that every single person that touches your child prior to the age of three impacts upon the quality of their gut flora? That is now scientifically proven. 

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