
Tuesday 20 November 2018

22 November "Day of Liberator"

The 22nd of November is the "Day of Liberator" and the energies of the full moon are coming in Gemini the communicator. Donald John Trump is a sun sign gemini so it could be a great day for the president.

Also a great day for the "The Liberators" with a Sagittarius rising sign like this guriji.

Hence it is a time to ponder upon what you would like to liberate in your life or be liberated from.

The divine guidance given today is "Don't be beguiled' as there is much going on that can take your attention and interest from what really matters in your life right now.

Let your focus be on whatever you have to achieve this year to pave the way for next year and your unique journey for your soul and it's Spirit. That can be different for all of you, as you all have unique lives and experiences in different cultures.

I know what I have to concentrate on, do you? Sometimes we have to clear the decks completely, to enable the new energies an opportunities to come in. I know at times clearing the decks can be mundane, yet, you have to make sure that your brain is not overloaded with information.

If your brain is in information overload, or over stimulated, if your brain is what we call "over-taxed" in the UK, it can be very difficult to switch off from the outside world and do what is right for you, especially when mercury is retrograde which it is until the 6th of December.

When I was a running my own businesses, sometimes I would do mundane things when I arrived home from work just so that I didn't have to think about anything. Just so that my mind could be quiet and free of any information to do with work.

Be gentle with the self, go easy with the self, meditate if you wish, walk in nature if you wish, listen to music that touches your soul. As many nations are at the crossroads that we were at as individuals many years ago.

Many of you might remember the important choice that we had to make for the survival of our cultures and the sanity thereof. As HaShem said to Israel, "Do not let anyone put you asunder".

Nourish your hearts and your souls, return to the habitat that serves you now and today.

For those that will be celebrating thanksgiving in America, give of your hearts, give that which can liberate your families and friends.

Sometimes that can mean giving a paper that has something important written in it that explains what is essential for someone to know.  Sometimes you can give a book, sometimes people require someone to listen to their experiences, sometimes you have to put your healing hands on!

For others it might mean giving a nutrient or supplement that is appropriate, make health your number one priority because your health impacts on everything else in your life. It is your health, and that which is natural that can help you to attain length of days, as individuals and as nations.

The key of life is both masculine and feminine, a united force for sustaining the balance of life and it's co-creation. The dance of life that elevates with the music that keeps your feet tapping.

For more information about this full moon I recommend reading Robert Wilkinson's website. Robert says it's in one degree of Gemini and one degree of Sagittarius. I have a Gemini moon, and a Sagittarius rising sign, so it is meaningful for yours truly, very meaningful, staying true to the divine mission and what is coming to be for wisdom more precious than rubies.

Robert shares, "Sagittarius dances with life, love, humor and freedom, and we're on the threshold of Jupiter's year to shine! The coming weeks and months will open many lives to better things, so keep laughter in your heart as you move into the future!".

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