
Sunday 4 November 2018

6th November "Day of Vigour"

The 6th of November is the "Day of Vigour" in numerics, and I think it bodes well for such a vigorous individual as President Trump and all he has planned to achieve with his vigorous American team.

The Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary gives this definition.

1. Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force; energy.

2. Strength or force in animal or force in animal or vegetable nature or action; as a plant grows with vigour.

3. Strength; efficacy; potency.

4. To invigorate.

What we also know is that there is an important planetary change coming on that day too.

The north node is moving out of Leo and into Cancer on this day, and the north nodes are about the soul journey. Countries have soul group journey's too.

Interesting that we haven't had this configuration for 18 years, as I've been living in the same location for 18 years and know strongly that it is time to move to a safer location. 

It hasn't been an easy time for sun sign Aquarians, including myself, we often had to be like the salmon swimming upstream and a dolphin of unconditional love for self - swimming in joy to help others to overcome their trigger points and find the treasure within. Salmon was also important for the activity of our brains. 

Cancer the Crab has a soft inside and a hard shell,  great for zinc, it comes out of the ocean, food from the ocean is important to everyone, so Donald John Trump has made the right move to clean up the oceans. I anticipate there will be a lot more of the cleaning up of the environment to come.

Rik also shares with us that Trump has his mercury in cancer, and that explains a lot about his emotive communications, as cancer is a very sensitive and intuitive sign. 

This is a great placement for food growers and those that like to grow their own food, a great one for nutrition, health and healing. It's important now for creating new ecological spiritual Judeo-Christian communities, where people look after each other, as Jesus said."Look after each other". 

With the north node in Cancer it's big for the family and the family unit, the soul of the family, everything that keeps the family unit together safely, so that the family can prosper together. 

As the family is the backbone of the nation, and the children are it's future. It's a time of realignment with the integrity of family life, it's culture, it's country and cultural integrity. 

Even if you live alone, think about the type of community that you would like to live in, as this is a time to support the rural areas that provide the food that is imperative for life to exist. It's important for friendship and companionship. It's important to look after the elders like we did before in days gone by. It's important for the veterans too, that require all of the nurturing and love that we can offer them. 

So indeed, you may decide it is time for a new and different home in a different location with like minded and hearted souls that share the journey and it's awareness of how important natural life is. 

Capricorn south node, and capricorns tend to come into their own after the age of 50, they're steady, and go up the mountain sideways. It will definitely, impact on organisations, and structures like NGO's, charities, UN, EU etc. Any structures or organisations that have been put in place during the last 18 years will face a very difficult time and it could be the capricorns that really take them on now. 

Everything has to be properly aligned vigorously for the survival, security, and continuation of humanity in a way that is appropriate for family life and living it. 

Goats have to be able to roam on the land in which they live for them to be happy, they have to be in nature, as nature intended. They are sure footed animals and I find them adorable. Goats milk, ice cream, Greek yogurt, Greek feta cheese is wonderful as far as I am concerned, it's great for the strength of the back.

I anticipate some difficulties for some countries in Europe, depending on who their leaders are, how much they've embraced the populous movement of the people, and how self-sustainable individuals and countries have become in growing their own food to serve their populations. 

Food security is going to be very important and a priority in the next 18 years because the quality of the food and nutrients impacts upon the health of the people and the children. So if a country would like to reduce health costs, then they have to improve what is on offer because currently, the medical profession isn't allowed to give the people what they require for health improvements. 

The medical profession in the UK also require a vast increase in education in nutrition, and school education has to have nutrition and anatomy included in it for the children to know and understand their own bodies. 

So for instance it was found that people that had "cancer", had a lack of oxygen in the cells and there are supplements, foods and healing therapy that can counteract that and increase the amount of oxygen in the body, but you can't get that help from NHS England.

In my lengthy experience of consultants in the NHS, they're only interested if surgery is required. Even then, pre and post operative procedure, no nutrition advice is given. 

In my extensive experience of health and healing, I've found that a majority of people are not getting what their bodies require to keep them healthy. Some people spend a lot of money on food, and think they're eating healthy, then when I look at their diets and menus, I find that they're not eating for their own health and for the age that they are. Every person is unique, and an individual, so every case has to be looked at individually, because people experience different health conditions.  Different health conditions require different nutrients. 

There have been cases where I have made food recommendation for someone's specific health conditions, and it is often the case that a woman will say, "my husband won't eat that!" When my dad wouldn't eat healthy food that young veteran landed in hospital for six weeks paralysed. He had to eat his way back to health in his 20s.

When I take a health case on it's intense, it's vigorous, and invigorating for the person that I am helping, I'm usually divinely guided with it, and miracles really can and do happen. People have said, "I feel much more positive now about my health after speaking to you". 

Time and time again during my life, I have proven that what people require is to be shown the way to improve their health and their lives.  Once they comprehend the way, and are shown how to do it, they make the necessary improvements. As my gran Sophia used to say, "Where there is a will, there is always a way".

One woman was even able to save her career and life, because the medical profession were planning to give her an operation that wasn't necessary. I convinced her that it was really important to get a second opinion from a specialist hospital too and that hospital agreed with what I had shared with her. 

The great aspect of the Cancer North Node, is that Cancer the Crab knows where the boundaries are, and where not to go and when. Their hard shell protects their inner self and soul, they learn in childhood that people can be easily hurt, so you can view the hard shell of the Crab as their home, and their boundary. When people find the boundaries within themselves, they then appreciate the boundaries of others, countries and cultures all have boundaries. 

This is my crab painting. 

How can a person find out who they are on a soul level, if they don't have boundaries in place? 

Boundaries are essential for life on this planet. The oceans have boundaries too, if we don't treat the oceans with respect, look what happens to it! Water is a source of life, and you all have a lot of water in your bodies too. Cancer is a water sign and can live on land and in water. 

I've looked at my chart to see where this water sign is featured, I have Uranus in Cancer and it is indicative of a person that has heightened energies that are very sensitive, intuitive and creative. 

We feel energy strongly and powerfully and it's key word is love. Some view us as oversensitive, yet, our intuition is usually right. It is written that Steve Jobs and Mahatma Ghandi had the same placement, both were very powerful individuals with a mission in life. Both left a legacy for their people, both now historical figures. 

People with this placement like teamwork and they like to refine what they are compelled to do. They enjoy raising the standards, and helping people to accomplish what they would like to accomplish in their lives. They are sensitive to the requirements of others, and do their utmost to meet those requirements. Another reason why they can be very intense in whatever they are focused on.

I tend to write intuitively, based upon life experience, so if there is something that you don't agree with that's OK, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


  1. "in Greece’s streets when 2 cars mildly crash people jump out and routinely say to each other, as a kind of threat: «do you know who am I». This is something that personally I have never heard in any other country of the world!"

    That made me smile, because when I was arrested for saying, "I do wish you would speak English". I said to the police officer,"you don't know who I am". Big smiles. My soul is clearly aligned with the Greek people as my north node soul journey is in Capricorn.

  2. If you are interested in the nodes and health, this is a great link for starters on medical astrology.

    Also discovered today that Israel is ruled by Aquarius water bearer, explains a lot while Israel was having so many issues with Obama.

    Its also another reason for why I was sent to Israel in 2006, and 2007.
