
Saturday 3 November 2018

Migrants -v- America

Alex and Peter from The Duran discuss the migrant invasion approaching the border with America.

When people find the boundaries within themselves, they then appreciate the boundaries of countries.  

I agree with The Duran that this is a Liberal Democrat planned invasion, timed to try to impact upon the mid-terms. 

It is also clear that the UN is also involved as they've been pushing the climate change excuse for people migration. The UN intention of moving 100M million people to the west. The fact that there is no jobs for all of those people, or infrastructure to cope with it, doesn't seem to concern the UN. 

Feedback from the marines at the border, they've seen burkas and beards in the crowd of invaders.

Human life is worth more than Islam could ever be. 

In the meantime, President Trump has been in Montana with his people and it includes native Americans. Remember that the Septuagint mentions the new feathers and I do have a feather mandala that I gave to an American named John. Red, white and blue.

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