
Monday 5 November 2018

Jupiter Transit Sagittarius November 8th

My ascendent sign is Sagittarius and it is written that America's ascendent is the same.

The Jupiter Transit Sagittarius 8th of November 2018 - 2nd December 2019. The last time that we had this transit was 12 years ago, 2006-2007, so what was going on in your life then?

In my life there was an inheritance, and I was also sent on two missions to Israel, May 2006, and September 2007.

This transit also comes right after the North node moves out of Leo, and that explains why it has been an uphill battle for spiritual Aquarians like myself. Not only in the work life, but also in the personal life and to do with health. It was also a time of helping people with their battles, with their drama's, defending people that were having difficulties. Helping people that couldn't defend themselves against the state and what it was doing to them. Zion defends!

That is all about to change in my work life and personal life, now that the North Node moves into Cancer with the South Node in Capricorn with this Jupiter transit in Sagittarius.

An optimistic time and a time of opportunities, especially for people that know and have experienced the truth for themselves. Jupiter is the planet of expansion of your horizons, and in Sagittarius it does signify moving on. In 2006-7 it was a time of moving on for yours truly in my work life, letting go, and getting on with the next phase of the divine plan. Hence the travel to Israel that happened at that time and it did fulfil some biblical prophecies.

With the north node change too, and I have been feeling the energies of it coming in, it can certainly indicate that the move of location that I've been thinking about is entirely possible during this transit. The most recent message received was "Guruji" and some translate that as meaning the "Divine light".

In numerics the 8th of November is the "Day of Borderline", so we can anticipate a lot going on to do with the borders of countries e.g. President Trump building his wall that he promised to protect his people. As written previously, "Justice is a thin line to walk, it's like walking a tightrope, balance is essential for justice to be done".

I have my new passport and I'm told divinely, "You are ready to go!

"Now they know that they have to pay".

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