
Wednesday 26 September 2018


On the 13th of September I had a dream of a parchment/papyrus so this article about a papyrus that has been decoded was interesting to yours truly, especially the timing of it.

Parchment Dream

The newspaper article from the Daily Express says that the ancient Egyptian Coptic Christian message on the papyrus is a "magicians spell of love". It is said to be at least 1,300 years old and it has a graphic of two birds enwrapped by two hands.

The two love birds, it is clearly a wedding artefact, a papyrus for the celebration and remembrance of the ceremony of uniting the two people together in Christ's name.

In symbology, the bird is also a symbol of the souls of the people, so you could say they were soul mates, male and female together, nesting together, destined to be together. A connection of souls united together. What this means is that they loved each other's souls. In Christian symbology, the winged souls, the spiritual, souls in paradise.

The graphic has two hands in it, the left and right embracing the love birds, two people in the same boat or you could view it as being in a cup of love brought together by their faithfulness to each other and their trustful loyalty in Christ. The hands also have importance biblically to those that comprehend the texts.

The article shares with you that 1,300 years ago Christianity was practised across Egypt.

Just like in the dream that I had earlier in the month, some of the words had been scrubbed away from this ancient document. Although the article shares that it does include the words "I call upon you, who is Christ the god of Israel".

The Greeks in Athens say that there are only 300 people in the world that can read ancient Coptic and it would be interesting to get more views of the writing that is on the papyrus.

The timing of this is interesting to yours truly, as when I wrote about the dream I mentioned that I was waiting for my new passport, due to the content of the dream relating to legal matters. Since that dream, my new passport has arrived, and the papyrus can be a legal document? Let's ask more people to look at the papyrus.

Let's have a love bird song to go with the synchronicity of this and it's divine manifestation.

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