
Wednesday 26 September 2018


A lovely story shared by Jonathan Sacks of London about his experience with Sukkot. The video is called the "Nail of Faith". Although in the ancient Jewish texts, it speaks of FAITHFULNESS, and in the Christian texts it speaks of "Trustful Loyalty".

However, in the story Jonathan speaks of a single nail.

Yesterday I was harvesting bay leaves from the mini tree and I am hoping that my lemon seeds will sprout. My bay leaf from last year is still only small, although it is growing.

Sukkot a time of the harvest and September is beautiful weather in Israel and Greece and the rest of Southern Europe.  In fact, we are having beautiful weather in England too, blue skies and sunshine this week. 

There is a nail in my healing room where the Hebrew letters appeared on the walls after I had painted the walls white in 2017. On that nail is a picture of my parents, the Son of Joseph. He used to sing this song with his sparkling blue eyes and his first born heard this song clairvoyantly this week. 

Way of Righteousness  

In the hallway there is another nail and on it is a picture of my son, Jordan, dressed in his first suit, when he was a child photographed at his grandparents. His first suit was bought for him after he began school, as we were going to a family wedding, he looked so cute in a light blue and white striped suit with a white open necked shirt. 

Have a very happy Sukkot Israel and to Jewish people wherever you maybe. 

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