
Tuesday 25 September 2018


Last night I walked into my healing room to see how some of my capsicum, chili, and Greek Basil plants were doing, as soon as I entered the room, it was full of the aroma of marzipan again, the aroma from the almonds is powerful.

An awesome spiritual connection I have with Greece, it's the second time in September that the aroma of almonds has been given, it comes in really strong as the aroma of marzipan. It's certainly a life asserting aroma.

"You Give Me Something"

It's another beautiful day in the UK today, blue skies and sunshine and food growing is still doing great in this my second year of it. Onwards and upwards everyone, making great ecological gardens for food growing. 

I've got fruit on the goji's in their first year, tomatoes and cucumbers are still growing, capsicum and chilli's, spinach, pak choi, spring onions and strawberries. Parsnips, potatoes and ginger is in, winter lettuce doing great. 

A really great autumn harvest, love beyond measure to Greece, as it was a Greek elder that first inspired yours truly with his fruit trees on his island that he'd never left, not even to go to the mainland. 

In the late 70's, I asked the elder if he'd been to Europe and he responded no. Then I asked him if he'd been to mainland Greece and he said no. 

While I was riding his donkey, he then began to pick fruit from the trees around us and he handed his oranges, lemons and olives to me. With a big smile on his face, he pointed to the sunshine and his beautiful island, and then he shared that he didn't have to go anywhere, he had everything, including beautiful women that came to visit him. 

I smiled with him and his appreciation of how blessed in life he was. To live so contently, peacefully, and happily, with no desire for materialism, he was a lovely soul indeed. 

As were the other Greek elders that didn't like those tour buses, as it was taking away their living. The fishermen shared how they had thrown a tour bus in the sea. We did laugh at all of the stories that they shared with us. Beautiful memories of Greece. I think the first memories of a location have an important impact upon you, especially if and when they're happy memories. Happy memories that stay in your heart when the spiritual connections are strong. 


Tuesday afternoon, first time I've heard this song. The older we get, the more time that we have to listen to music. 


1 comment:

  1. While on the computer waiting for an email to arrive just now. A great whiff of almond came in front of my nose. Lovely.
