
Monday 24 September 2018

HARVEST MOON 24th September, 2018

Neil Young - Harvest Moon

Lots of positive energy with this recent Autumn equinox, it's been a make or break equinox. In the UK "Day of Breakthrough" yesterday.  Saw the purple energy with me yesterday on my right, it looked like it was following me around. Today, lovely watery blue appeared on my index finger, on the mount of Jupiter, gorgeous aquamarine colour that I like to wear. 

What else is happening with Jupiter planet of expansion, Jupiter is still transiting Scorpio at this time until November the 8th, 2018. 


Just received a knock on the door, my new passport has arrived. Hallelujah! It's arrived on the 24th of September, 2018, full moon in Aries. New beginnings and new life phase begins with my new passport! 

It's blue skies and the sun is shining, so happy today. The garden is happy to see the sunshine too and my capsicum are still growing, wonderful fruit this year grown from seed. So enjoy this harvest moon, for I shall enjoy it very much. As we say in England, "I'm over the moon". 

Hearing this song today clairaudiently, "the very thought of you", my dad liked this Nat King Cole song, he used to sing it!

Still seeing loads of energy, every time I get up and walk around, lovely energy is with me, a beautiful tranquil water colour, crystal clear.

Rod Stewart also sang that song from Nat King Cole.

For more information on the current planetary configurations I recommend Robert Wilkinson's articles at Aquarius Papers.

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