
Monday 10 September 2018

Day of Private Goal

Come on you citizen journalists and commentators stay on it, I particularly like The Duran, great job guys, more, more more. Alex is speaking from Athens. Hungary and Italy unite against Merkle and Macron's EU.

Hungary and Italy against the destruction, genocide and takeover of our cultures. Hungary and Italy putting their own people first, has Salvini said, economic migrants are living in hotels in Sardina whilst Italians are sleeping in their cars due to homelessness caused by the invasion of Italy.

Where is Steve Bannon's film that was supposed to be released last week, the Victory film just before the mid-term elections in America.

10th of September is the "Day of Private Goal", so what is your goal today and how many goals do you have to achieve?  I've got some paperwork to address today, I have to resign my passport papers and send them back again, we will get there eventually, everything in perfect timing! Done and in the post today. 

Is Ancient Macedonia really Greek, the bible says it is! 

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