
Sunday 9 September 2018

New Moon in Virgo Dance On

I had a wonderful therapeutic massage yesterday, the 8th of September was the "day of purist" and now I've decided it's time for Pilates. Virgo is a very earthy sign, let's get physical, in the early days of the history of Pilates dancers were mostly attracted to it. Joseph H Pilates look him up, his history and the story is interesting. 

Dance on everyone in the power of love beyond measure, dancers have music in their souls. Every time I ask a Greek man to send me some sunshine, the sun comes out. How lovely is that on this September Sunday. 9th of September, "Day of Demand" 10th of September, "Day of Private Goal".

Autumn has arrived in my garden today, the golden leaves are on the ground, a clear sign that Autumn has begun today in my location. The New Moon at 6.01 GMT is in 17 degrees of Virgo the perfectionist, 1+7 = 8 a numeric of spiritual transformation.

17 the numeric of the Star and the Magi, it's a fortunate numeric and a numeric of "immortality".  So you will probably feel very connected to people that you have met in a past life and had relationships with in past lives. The connections are strong, very strong, it's a magnetic pull that you're experiencing, like gravity and it is grounded into a heart space. 

People that live in their hearts drawn together, in truth and activity. It feels like something very important is being pin pointed something that you have to see and experience; as Aristotle once said "Men seek to know".  As far as I am aware my Venus is in Pisces and my Mars is in Virgo in my birth chart, interesting and compassionate combination.

Powerful for research and pin pointing what is really important in life at any given time.  It would explain why when looking at the health of a person, I don't stop until I find what I am looking for to help that person, a health detective!

It was the same in business, I would listen and listen and my intuition would take yours truly to the exact point that could help my clients to be successful.

Always remember the aerodynamics of a bird and it's perfection. It's incredible how it's wings carry it's body forth, such an amazing creation. In this September painting I see the aerodynamics of the bird being pointed at, I see the importance of the aerodynamics that is being brought to our attention. Even the word aerodynamics takes us back to the Greek language.

You could say it is a flight of reason, and the birds carry a message to humanity as they fly above your heads. I saw a red and yellow helicopter today and it was the air ambulance service, a rescue service, a flight for an important reason.

Sending love to Greece, the riots continue, the Greeks have arisen over the dispute over the name of Macedonia. See the considered response in the comments section of this article. The hot blooded Greeks defending their country and culture. 

Thessalonica is mentioned in the book of acts, and the Macedonian man from Thessalonica. Macedonia is mentioned in seven of the books of the bible. 

This Greek astrologer wrote an article about the eclipses in 2018, and one of the charts has the "Star of David" formation, he mentions how this configuration is opening up cosmic gates. Although the Greeks are challenging their own identity! The author says that they must be dynamic in order to regain their sovereignty, their history and traditions. 

It is not a coincidence that this historic location came in this weekend.

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