
Monday 10 September 2018


The Kabbalah teachers are talking about Proverbs 15:30 relating to the New Jewish Year of 5779 and today someone else wrote about enlightenment comes in waves.

My response based upon my own experience of it.

It depends how you define enlightenment, the path to enlightenment is a healing pathway, once on the healing path it leads to enlightenment when a person and their body can withstand the sheer power of enlightenment the person experiences it. There are two different phases of enlightenment and in my case there were years in between. If your body passes through the first responsibly, you then get to experience the second when your body is ready for the vast expanse of it.

Proverbs 15 mentions the messenger that Israel were waiting for, the person with the enlightened eyes. However, in the NIV the translation it is thus: "Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones". 

What is my good news today, another 20 tomatoes have been picked today and 14 yesterday, another 12 cucumbers growing, I'm winning with the food growing. Proverbs 15 also mentions the food, "Better a small serving of vegetables with love than a fattened calf with hatred". 

A person finds joy in giving an apt reply, and how good is a timely word. The path of life leads upward for the prudent. Whoever heeds life-giving correction, will be at home among the wise. The one that heeds correction gains understanding. Humility comes before honour!

The house of the righteous contains great treasure and we know how to find the treasure within.

It's Jewish holiday that began on the 9th of September this year, anniversary of my second mission to Israel in 2007. Rosh Hashanah Jewish holiday, Jewish year 5779.

What did I buy just prior to this Jewish holiday this year, golden sultanas to put in my gin for my hands, dark chocolate cranberries for my heart, roasted ground hazelnuts as the Christian mystic St Julian of Norwich was given a small hazelnut divinely.

Hazelnuts are healthy for you, so I shall make a hazelnut and golden sultana cake this holiday and I think it would be lovely with the unique English golden syrup. I like making cakes to get the nutrients inside me in this third age of my life. Copper paint, painting with copper in it, I have to increase the copper in my body this September.

Although you could also put the ground hazelnuts in smoothies too. What else did I buy, some skate fish wings to eat on Saturday with some red wine for Elijah. I had the wings with capers, cooked in butter with black pepper, with a little broccoli and asparagus.

I also received an incredible therapeutic all over body massage, a real treat for my body.

Sunday I went to a BBQ and had chicken and sweet potato, it was lovely. The sweet potato reminded yours truly of Israel sitting around the campfire in 2006, cooking our sweet potatoes together. Sweet potatoes always remind yours truly of Israel. Although if you eat sweet potatoes it's important to eat the skin that hold many nutrients.

The last time I received an email from the spiritual Israelis they asked me, "when are you coming back to Israel?". I'd love to visit Israel again, such a lovely country and the people that I met were great, brilliant hospitality when I am sent to Israel. There are so many Reiki healers in Israel now, it took off in the 80's and nothing could stop the love spreading. Millions of healers all over the world now.

Today, passport paperwork went off in the post again, so I will be travelling again as soon as I can afford to do so, as I have to get some more sun to my body and it's olive skin.

New Moon in Virgo

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