
Wednesday 18 July 2018


This painting reminds me of Melania in Finland, dressed in yellow. 

The Trumps visit was a great success, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Just know it in your hearts. 


From the album, "Raise Your Hands". 

There are fishes in my hands, what do you see in your hands. It's interesting how our hands change, hands stronger, look at this photograph, I can see an elder in my right hand with his arms crossed. 

It's certainly time for strong songs. Many of us are very appreciative of the fact that the Trump administration made an intervention on behalf of the young Englishman known as Tommy Robinson. 

His court case is on the 18th, and we hope with all our hearts, that he leaves the court and can go home to be with his wife, children, friends and family. To at least enjoy summer holidays with his children. 

Many people are praying for his freedom, for an Englishman that tried to do his best for his family, country and culture. We give thanks for everything that we have received, for all of the support, and most of all, for all of the love that built a fortress of defence for the truth to be shared. 

I smile when our opponents that stand against Donald John Trump and Putin, ask me to be real on-line, how more real could we be, in defence of people that are just trying to do their best too. I think that is one of the reasons that many of us like Trump so much, as my mother used to say, "we come from strong stock". 

In time to come, people will look back at this historic timeline, and see that the bible prophecy was true, that nothing like this has ever happened before, and never will it happen again. 

It is immensely transformative, and I do believe it is for the betterment of everyone. I am so pleased that it is happening in my lifetime and that we are all witnesses to it's innovation for the people, by the people. Not only have we been witnesses to it, we have also been pro-active and responsive participants in the great changes that are happening on the planet. It truly is an historic happening. 


  1. So the top judges in the land have the inability to make a decision about the Tommy case, they require more time they say. It's a matter of conscience isn't it, yet, where is there conscience of keeping Tommy in prison until they can make up their minds. What threat is this man to anyone, he is a "Political Prisoner", because he was not given bail, why not!

    This news report from inside the court room, does not mention bail and as far as I am aware tommy's barrister was going to ask for bail for him.

  2. One of the most interesting things to come out of the court hearing is that in the Leeds case, Tommy wasn't asked for his plea plus a lot more. See Rebel Media Twitter feed for what happened in court.
