
Tuesday 17 July 2018


I was thinking about the great meeting between Trump and Putin and Yahweh said "ROY", so looked to see if there were any American politicians with that name and there is a Roy Blunt.

So why is this message important. Wikipedia share that since 2014, Blunt has been the largest recipient of campaign contributions from Monsanto which is headquartered in Missouri.

Agri-Chemical corporation, Monsanto is being taken over by Germany's Bayer. When this article was written the EU had given the go-ahead to the purchase, although reuters says that it is currently being reviewed by U.S. and Russia antitrust authorities.

GM Crops are banned in 38 countries, and grown in 28.

Senator, Roy Blunt has also received $400,000 from the oil and gas industry. Roy was born on the 10th of January, 1950. That means that he is a Capricorn.

Although "calamity Clinton" received $400M from a man that is on Putin's list, his list also includes George Soros. Putin said that the man that had given Clinton $400M hadn't paid any taxes on his 1.8BN in either America or Russia and both countries are going to investigate it further in co-operation with each other. He also said that the 1.8BN was gained "Illegally'.

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