
Thursday 19 July 2018



This video includes the news that the Iraqi farms are shutting down, due to "Iraq shutting off water supplies to farmers and the drought around the Euphrates worsens."

The Euphrates drought is a biblical prophecy.  Rev 16:12

The can't eat petrol or money now can they, now read the Hab 2 prophecy about Islam. What did Muslims do, the prophecy shares that they destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.

Oil rich countries overcharged our people for the oil, oil is a natural resource and surely if you remove too much oil out of the earth, the earth does respond. Surely oil is there for a reason, it's not there for Arabs to get rich on the backs of the poor.

There is an Irish Potato shortage too, and farmers are suffering everywhere, what did Ireland do, they voted to stay under E.U. control, whereas we voted Leave. At the time some Irish businessman said that some of their people only voted to remain because they thought the British would vote to stay in.

The Irish thought that if the Brits stayed in and they did too, that would be beneficial for their business relationships. However, as we know, we won BREXIT and our people are still fighting for it to be done properly.

The Irish have to close their borders and stop the immigration, because economic migrants are getting an Irish passport and some are then moving to England. England is already overpopulated, so no more immigration.

In Athens, they were even giving Iraqi's new identities and passports, so how will you know where the economic migrants have come from. In Sweden a dentist was taken to court because their teeth showed him that most of the so-called immigrant children were actually adults, not children. You see even your teeth can tell people your age.

Even in the UK everyday we are told there will be rain, and then we ask where is it weathermen.

Maybe I should do a rain dance for England, although what is in my garden does like this sunshine.

This is one of my favourite food mandala paintings.

Seriously there is enough water in the oceans that can be transformed into water for crops, all these countries are required to do is buy the machines from Israel. Israel have the technology, they have the solution to droughts.

The last time I was in Israel, Israeli's were complaining that Israel were so busy making the machines for other countries, that they weren't using one themselves. Although that was back in 2007.

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