
Thursday 19 July 2018


While the American media run around in circles, a sane voice of a former Wall Street journalist gives his feedback on the American media meltdown. RT refer to it as a "spiral of rage" in their text with the video.

In this interview the journalist says that the server couldn't be hacked and explains the reasons why. When the American MSM go to war, you can be sure that war is on their minds, they really haven't stopped attacking the Trump family since the electioneering began.

However, what are the media really achieving as in the poll taken in June, 2018, Russia is not the priority of the American people and what they are really concerned about in America.

While the MSM have been slating Trump and the summit with Putin, the Obama's have been actively attacking their own president too overseas. Obama gave a speech in South Africa, and Michelle was in Edinburgh.

It makes you wonder who is paying the Obama expenses to promote "anti-Trump" wherever they go.

I don't think that this has ever happened during any other presidency, where a former president has attacked the incumbent. I also think that Trump is doing a far better job than Obama ever did, although I don't agree with him on everything.

For instance I don't agree with him over the Google situation and the 5BN Euro fine, as Google cannot be allowed to have a monopoly with mobile phones in Europe. If America chooses to give Google a monopoly in America then that is up to Americans to decide upon. However in Europe, Europeans are saying no to globalisation, and no to corporate monopolies.

Prophet Isaiah warned us about globalisation and where that can lead. The takeover of Monsanto by the German Bayer is also being investigated by the U.S. and Russia "anti-trust authorities". The godly say no to GM and no to Monsanto too!

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