
Sunday 22 July 2018


I had a very intense dream of Lady Diana, our Queen of Hearts, in the dream I was aware how intense it was and so much happened, I knew that I wouldn't be able to remember it all, as I couldn't remember it all while in the dream.

She looked so happy, in the beginning of it, she phoned for a chat, her voice was so excited, while she was asking me to go on a trip with her.

Then we were on a ship together, and so much happened, with loads of people, we were so close, I kept saying, "Diana is here, Diana is here", I was so happy to see and speak with her, we stayed so close, best friends.

I knew that she was linking in to me, and she was wearing the dress that she wore in Moscow in 1995. Her royal highness loved everywhere she went, she spent two days in Moscow visiting children.

We must have taken a trip to Greece, because when I woke up I saw a vision of a Greek man standing on a ship.

This year is the 20th anniversary of when Diana first started speaking to me clairaudiently, while I was travelling she kept on speaking, she liked to travel. One of things she said at that time, "There's nothing I'd rather do, than travel with you". Her accent and voice is so distinctive.

One of her visits to Greece included visiting the family of a Greek man that she'd met while he was in a London hospital. As we know she was also close to George Michael and they used to chat on the phone when they got time to do so. Diana befriended many people that she visited.


Then when I went to get the Reamonn song, this song had been uploaded by a Greek man.

"The Days of Pearly Spencer".

In dream interpretation, to dream of a ship is an augary of profitable ventures. Happiness, prestige and prosperity are forecast in a dream of being, seeing or meeting royalty. 

Today is the 22nd of July, and it's the "Day of Fluctuation". 

22 is also a master numeric of angels, leadership and charity. 

1st of June, 2018, Diana spoke after the arrest of Tommy Robinson. 

The heavenly Diana, always in our hearts.

So what does almond have to do with it, there is an almond biblical prophecy. Jeremiah saw the branch of an almond tree. "The LORD said, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see if my word is fulfilled".

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