
Saturday 21 July 2018

"You Are What You Buy" Dating

The total lunar eclipse on the 27th of July is in my sun sign Aquarius, the water bearer.

This made me laugh today, in China, dating is being decided upon by what you buy, Chinese consumerism has bred into dating.

This is the text with the video. "Single men and women looking for love nowadays don't need to swipe right - they just need to shop right, at least in China. "You are what you buy", is the newest approach to speed-dating in the country, were participants pick their dates based on how much they relate to other's on-line shopping basket. For one couple in Beijing, it was "love at first read'. 23 year old Zhou Yi met Ouyang Feng 26, at a matchmaking event on July 7 in the capital city". 

Of course, the Daily Mail didn't provide us with a translation of what they were saying to each other.

There is a view that men fall in love with what they see, and women fall in love with what they hear. Although, as people mature emotionally and spiritually, they do change, as do their shopping lists. 

My Pisces mum was funny, she would sneak into our home with her shopping bags, hiding what she'd spent from my Aries dad. I think men must have looked at my mum and thought "she's high maintenance" with all of her shopping bags. Dad used to say to her, "when did you buy that", she would respond, "I've had it for ages". LOL! I just used to laugh as I saw her sneaking in and going straight upstairs with her bags. 

During their courtship, they didn't have much choice in life, as food was still being rationed in the UK due to WW2, and I do think that impacted on the health of our nation in that generation. So once the children left home, she felt it was her time to receive. 

You can understand that when you can put yourself in her shoes, as in those days, our families looked after the elderly in their families. So it wasn't just bringing up children, being a wife and mother, it was being a carer too for an elderly mother and aunt. It was done willingly, and lovingly. However, every person requires a time of their own with their life partners to enjoy the rewards and fruit of their work. I think that is the way that they viewed it anyway. 

If anyone looked at my shopping lists this week, they'd say I eat well, and I like gardening and growing food. Now next week my list would be completely different, new underwear, a book on gut flora, the rainbow diet, and a musical instrument. That's my wish list next week. 

How can you decide on a date by a shopping list, it's just for fun. It's certainly going to be a total lunar eclipse very soon, I can feel it in my water, it's coming in big time, like a huge wave from the ocean. 

Of course we could apply that thought of "You Are What You Buy", to politics and in America, people have had enough of buying into the Liberal Democrats agenda. There is a huge wave of people, like a tsunami of love, people are leaving the Clintons and Obama realities, and are signing up to the hashtag "WALK AWAY". 

The campaign began with a gorgeous gay hairdresser, Brandon Straka that decided to walk away, and now there are over 60,000 people doing the same. We are not Russian bots like some of the politicians think. "It's so much more than a hashtag". 


The "Walk Away" campaign has gone viral, and so many different Americans are making you tube videos on it, giving their reasons why they've walked away from the career politicians in America. I can see that catching on in the UK too as so many people are on their feet and in action. 

We could say something similar is happening within the UK with people leaving the usual parties and joining UKIP. UKIP is soaring in new membership, as more and more people realise that UKIP is more aligned with their thoughts and ideas than any of the other parties. UKIP are listening to the people, and the other parties are not. 

You can't have a relationship with the government can you, unless you agree with it's principles and where it is going. Relationship requires a conscience, two hearts of conscience beating as one. It also requires communications with mutual respect for each other.  Life is not a one-way street and it takes two to tango through life. 

So what are you buying, I bought a SET HIM FREE TOMMY Tee-shirt this year. Aquarians are always looking out for the underdog and anyone that is being "oppressed". Key word of Aquarius is freedom. Freedom to choose, freedom to select, freedom to act, freedom to consent, and to speak, freedom to love and be loved beyond measure. Freedom to close our borders and protect our own people. 

The freedom to say no to economic migrants especially from a different continent, and cultural genocide. Freedom to support those that have cared fully for our people, women and children. 

Freedom to choose real men that have put their right foot forward in defence of freedom of speech. 

Tommy is young enough to be my son, I feel for his mother, wife and family at this time.

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