
Sunday 22 July 2018


In April 2018, I had a dream of being with youth, the following month a new neighbour moved in.

News this weekend is that there has been a "Patriot Youthquake" during May and June due to the UKIP Youth membership being up 83%. That's a huge increase, UKIP membership is soaring.

Gerard Batten has done a great job !

Check out the UKIP Twitter feed there is some great tweets.

UKIP have put Paul Joseph Watson on the front page of their website too, explaining his reason for joining UKIP.

UKIP are now seen by this youth as the only party that has stood up for freedom of speech, and against what I used to call nearly two decades ago, 'The PC Brigade".

Patriots united for freedom.

Amy gives her feedback on the park regulations after "Red Cap Boy" was removed from outside of Parliament Square, and Buckingham Palace by the police. Red Cap Boy was flying an American flag with Trump on it, and an English flag. He says his parents are American, although he lives in England. The fact of the matter is that flags always fly in these locations when there is a wedding, and any other large event.

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