
Thursday 14 June 2018


I felt compelled to spread the paint again last night inter-glatic colours a metallic blue and silver. This is how the computer as taken a photograph of it. In my experience of seeing inter-galactic energy, the colours are different to rainbow colours, different planetary energies. Who can explain it! 

When I paint, most of the time I intent love while spreading the paint. Especially, when humanity is faced with a very difficult situation. There is always more than meets the eye in any given situation, in the same way as words have more than one meaning. Of course prior to painting we were informed of the latest Tommy situation, and everyone is very concerned that he has been moved. 

We cannot allow "injustice" to continue on this planet, it has to be stopped wherever it is found to exist. We cannot be passive in the face of adversity, we have to take compassionate action to defend the truth and the people that speak it. 

We cannot be silent, and standby while others are suffering. We have to speak, just as the inter-galatic Melchizedek spoke righteously.  I still remember the first time I saw him sitting on his throne, and standing behind him was huge pillars of light beings. 

He was like a giant compared with other energies and beings that I had seen previously. Even Jesus was much smaller than the mighty Melchizedek. At the time I was in a room full of people that had come on a healing training course and the energies and beings in that room that day were incredibly powerful. 

In the photograph of this painting I see a feminine energy, a light being that resembles Quan Yin, that hears the sounds of the world. I know her enough to know that she would definitely be pleased with Trump and his meeting with Kim from North Korea. Her energy is so beautiful, so incredibly compassionate and merciful. A great gift to humanity. 



13th of June, 2018. Size A3.

This is the painting vertical, although the colour is lighter on the painting itself. 

13th of June, was the "Day of Adventure". 
We've certainly had an inter-galactic adventure with the different energies. 

During the journey, an African man was in contact with me from the Ivory Coast, Joseph was very spiritual, into ascension, ascended masters, complimentary medicine and different spiritual energies. He was very concerned about Islam in his country and how they burnt down churches, as his daughter was involved with the church at the time. 

In 2007, he kindly offered yours truly his family home to practice and share the healing practices and disciplines on the Ivory Coast. However, at the time, Israel had been given as a priority that year, it was the second mission to Israel. It was next year Jerusalem. 

On the first mission to Israel in 2006, I was given a briefing from Jesus after I had received the order to go, and I was told to go in the energy of Quan Yin with compassion and mercy for the Jewish people, the power of our love and the sweet dew of purification. 

I was also instructed to wear pink for the gathering on his holy hill. It was history in the making of the lives of the spiritual people and Jesus had promised that another person would come to help his people after him. His healers can be found all over the world, in different realities, millions and millions of healers that have a deep spirituality, a disciplined spirituality, a truly righteous spirituality.


Interesting that eddieisok is wearing these colours in his latest video about Tommy that he uploaded today. In the video he shares about the police whistleblower that presented to the independent investigation into "child trafficking" in April, in London. 

Apparently, Tommy was also going to do a video on that prior to him being arrested. The police officer in the investigation, believed that his son was murdered, as he had been warned by the police that they would take his children from him, and everything else if he continued his enquiry. That's what they do, if they can't make you afraid, they then go after your children. However, the police whistleblower stood by his oath that he made when he joined the force. 

The investigation of "child trafficking' held in London, in April involved an independent commission. 

Although Trump and his administration have made it clear they intend to go after the "child traffickers' to put a stop to it. We know that it has been going on in the UK for a very long time. 

We also know that some people have tried to close down democracy, even at the hustings at Lewisham, Anne Marie Waters shared that Labour and the Conservatives refused to attend to speak. 

I did listen to some of David Kurten's speech. Although mid-way, the police closed down the hustings due to the "violent: protestors outside they said. The people inside the hustings were safe, there was no reason to close it down, was there. 

This also happened at the same time as there was a large Islamic march in London, and Amy, another activist was pushed over by a police officer intentionally. Amy shared that the Met Police, are on the side of Islam. 

Not surprising really is it, when they've got a boss, Sadiq Khan the mayor of London, and another Muslim in charge of the Home Office. The police have to answer to Muslims in the UK today. How bizarre is that, how do you think people will get to hear the truth with that reality existing, when Islam and it's adherents, do their utmost to close down freedom of speech. 

As far as Tommy is concerned, there is international outrage at what has happened to him, even American politicians are calling out Theresa May and Trump didn't have a private meeting with her at G7, he even left a day early to meet with Kim. 

Trump is a doer, and ain't got time to sit around talking with the likes of Theresa May and other's that refuse to make their peace with Putin, by bringing him back into G7 to make G8 again. 

Clearly, Trump is also not happy about the way that Theresa has delayed BREXIT, continually trying to undermine the democracy of the country, and the will of our people that voted to close the borders and put a stop to the Islamic invasion. Our people voted for out of Europe, and out completely, we meant.  

You have to remember that anyone that has a European passport has easy access to America, so of course Trump is concerned about what is going on in Europe with immigrants and Islam. Also the last time I was in Athens, in Greece, they were issuing new identities to people from Islamic countries. So in many cases, you don't know where they've come from. 

Italy is now turning away the NGO boats, although Spain is saying that they will take the people on those boats. Does Spain have any comprehension the danger they are putting the rest of Europe in, not only Europe but America too. 

It really is time that America got really tough with the EU, and European leaders that are encouraging the UN plan to bring in another 100 million on the back of the excuse of climate change. The UN know for a fact that most of the people trying to get into Europe are not "refugees', but are economic migrants that are mostly young men that are fighting fit. 

There was also a television documentary filmed undercover in the UK, that featured that ID's were being given out to "illegal immigrants". Historically people have migrated. However, the issue now is because of the size of the global population, with people leaving countries with plenty of space and moving to countries that are overpopulated already. 

England is a tiny country compared with Spain, and France for example, yet, we are overpopulated, and live in the smallest spaces in Europe. London's population has increased by two million people in just twenty years, the infrastructure of the country cannot accommodate it, could never accommodate it, and our people are a minority in their own capital city. 

In some London schools, 67% of the children in class don't even speak English, can you even contemplate the impact that has on English children and their education and learning abilities. 

I also heard that a majority of people that are in British prisons are "illiterate". My dad used to say that "a house without books is like a house without windows."

So ask Muslims where are all the published books from Islamic countries, how big is your library and what does it contain! Do you have an historical library like we do in London, I don't think so. Do you have a library in your home of books on different subject matter for your children to pick up and read whenever they choose to do so. 

We all know what happened to the massive library in Alexandria. There was also a massive historical library in Greece that was burnt down too, some people didn't like to read about different realities did they, realities different to their own. How can anyone comprehend different cultures, and our culture, unless you have looked at the historical literature of the country we live in. 

An open mind is an open heart. 

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