
Thursday 14 June 2018


A great video on growing "Pak Choi", the Americans are doing great with growing their own food. There is at least a million Americans living off the grid too, although they do get better weather in some zones in America than we do.

Pak Choi is also great for making "Kimchi". and "Kimchi" is great for the gut flora.

I bought some Pak Choi yesterday, something new to grow this year in the garden. 

In this month of June I can also take some cuttings from the dianthus to make new plants. I do like carnations very much and they're great at coming back the following year. Dianthus and hardy Fuschia's are great at coming back. One of the lilies also came back and survived the wintertime. 

It's been a very windy night in England, so I've had to protect the cucumber from the wind in England today. I've eaten my first homegrown cucumber this year, it's exciting growing your own food, and trying different things to grow. 

The borlotti beans are coming along and so is the zucchini. Beetroot is doing great, beetroot is brilliant for the leaves and it's nutrition, rainbow chard is coming along slowly. The spinach stopped growing it required more time to get used to being outside. Hence outside daytime, inside night time, until it gets a lot stronger, before putting it outside. 

Chili pepper and sweet pepper is doing great and so is the new celery. Celery just grows and grows in any weather, so it is ideal for English weather, it's also great for the endocrine system. 

I really enjoy container gardening, and tomatoes and strawberries are also being grown in containers. Such fun it is, the goji berries are incredibly hardy, and the blueberry bush from last year as done fantastic. I'm really into growing the super fruits. Bring on the light force, my blueberry bush likes the sun. 



Of course I have a full range of herbs growing too, it's great to pick fresh herbs from your garden, this painting was on the sage, although Jesus called the painting, "Ma'estro". Sage is a great bushy herb that survives the English winter time. Of course the native Americans loved the sage growing on the land. I like sage in sage and onion stuffing to have with chicken, although I also include thyme and other herbs. 


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