
Wednesday 13 June 2018

African King Baptised into Greek Orthodox Church Mount Athos

"A tribal king who had travelled all the way from the Western African nation of Ivory Coast - King Tchiffi Zae Jean Gervais was welcome into the Orthodox faith with the baptismal name of David by a local priest".

You can't just go to Mount Athos, no freedom of movement to Athos, and only men are allowed to go there. Apparently, the monks refer to it as the "Garden of Virgin Mary". It is written that Mary went to Greece and Mount Athos.

It's a long time since I've heard from the Ivory Coast, there was an Ivory Coast man with the name of Joseph that was included in a news agency that distributes information for many of us. He was a lovely man, very spiritual, into ascension teachings, into complimentary medicine, he was most concerned about his daughter at the time, as he wrote of how they burn churches on the Ivory Coast. 

In 2007, Joseph invited yours truly to go and live on the Ivory Coast for awhile with my healing practices and the spiritual teachings that had been bestowed. He said that his family home was my home if I ever chose to go there. I couldn't go at the time as I was busy with the second mission to Israel. After that it was America due to Obama running for President of the USA. After that it was Greece. 

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