
Thursday 21 June 2018


Summertime, Hot Sardines, my mum did likes sardines on toast.

All I've had to eat today is a large bowl of vegetable soup. I think I shall have some sardines to celebrate the Summer Solstice, it's all that talk about fish that's got me going. Summer Solstice the longest day of the year. 21st of June, 2018.

I really felt the power of love shower upon me this evening, yep, powerful, it's HOT!

Prior to that I saw a Greek letter flash upon my left hand as I was typing, the theta appeared on my hand, the 8th letter in the Greek alphabet.

In Palmistry, the left hand relates to past lives, and in my left hand a fish shape has been created with two lines, it's like a double life line going right up to the head line.

The left hand is associated with that which we bring back with us from a previous life time. As far as the planets are concerned you can also associate it with the north and south nodes, the soul journey that has been impacted upon by past life connections. Biblically, the left hand is glory and honour.

It's the first time I've noticed a double line in my left hand, as I looked at the left hand and where that symbol flashed on my hand. It flashed over two mounts and two fingers, the mount of Jupiter and the mount of Saturn. The symbol was large up to 4 inches tall, and it was a bright, light lazuli watery blue.

The 21st of June, is the "Day of Rapture" in numerics. The Greek Pythagoras of Samos did like his numerics.

So what shall I have with my sardines, tomato and rosemary focaccia, some black olives, spring onions and white grapes.

1 comment:

  1. Updated news on Tommy was received last night, from Raheem Kassam his official spokesperson. Tommy has been moved to a better cell with a television. Keep sending your love and messages.
