
Friday 22 June 2018


Recently a post was made on Elijah's Journey, due to it keep on opening automatically on my computer screen. Elijah the healer, Jesus the healer, both healers of children.

On the Summer Solstice it happened again, the 4th time. The numeric of 4 again, and the numeric of 4 was in the recent computer dream, with a meaning of 'there is no time to waste".

Computer Dream

2011, was the year of 444, and that is when Jesus spoke of us moving into awesomeness.

Last night this Greek symbol also flashed across my left hand, the theta in a lazuli blue, the 8th letter in the Greek alphabet. 4+4 = 8. Scholars say that the Theta is derived from the THET, and it is described by author Jeff Benner as a container in the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon.


I was typing at the time, as Titans TV are looking into the research to do with the "Islamic rape gangs", in the UK. Originally, Brian of London did the interview with the author of "Easy Meat". and it is a book about the cases around the UK. The author is a very private person for obvious reasons, hence, it was an exclusive for Brian.

Yesterday morning, the message received on waking was "Property", and it was Andrew Norfolk, the Times northern reporter that investigated the "Solo Homes scandal" for four years, and he shared how children are being taken into care and then taken out of our county and sent to "Solo Care Homes", in areas where the "Islamic rape gangs" are rife.

Not only that but the county council paid £250,000 a year to send the youth to Rotherham and whilst there a 13 year old was raped by 50 men. Those "Solo Care Homes" are privately owned, by financiers and equity companies. So when people invest their money in equities, do they realise what they're funding.

That reminds me of a friend that passed over, Travis, and how he was approached to invest in properties in the north in the 90's. At first he agreed, and then he pulled out of the syndicate with a Lloyds broker. At the time he didn't say why he had pulled out of the property investment, although I think we know why!

Let's have another look at the Islamic text and what the text has to do with what is happening in the UK. It was over a decade ago that I began to share this man's work and investigation of the text. What Muhammad promised the men that followed him, the "war booty" of women.

Another reason that it is rife in countries where there are women with blonde hair e.g. northern European countries. However, Margot Parker UKIP MEP reported in the EU how in Libya the coastguard trained by the EU are also raping economic immigrants that are passing through Libya.

Italy is now turning NGO boats back and are blocking the ports.

This herald ran with the prophecy at the appointed time as described in Hab 2, and what the response is from the LORD our God to what some Muslims have done to women, youth, and towns and cities. 

That was a decade ago, who had the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to understand, what action did you take to share it to wake people up. All the information was provided to you; to help you, to get moving. 


What support did you give to yours truly in the last decade, do you remember. How much support did you give to yours truly to help you, and the youth in our western countries and cultures. 

It is our duty to pass this information on and there are consequences if you don't. 

For this first born is holy to the LORD with a mission of compassionate action and mercy for the youth that was bestowed prior to the new millennium beginning. 



June 2018 

The good news is that author Raheem Kassam has shared last night that Tommy has been moved to a different wing in a single cell with a television due to international outrage at his detention, his lawyers have sent the legal appeal in. So Tommy is more comfortable now than he was. 

Former Breitbard London editor, Raheem Kassam is a close friend of Tommy, he is his official media spokesperson, he is involved in helping Tommy to gain his freedom and he has written books on the no go zones, and that Enoch Powell was right. 


The Rape of a Nation and the Whistleblowers 

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